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fury | hi guys | 18:03 |
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fury | how's it hangin? | 18:03 |
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fury | damn. it's not as easy as i hoped. if i pick the master branch for meta-qt5, it says it needs a newer poky. if i pick a newer poky, then some AGL recipes go out of date. can of worms :D | 18:13 |
fury | e.g. ERROR: ParseError at /home/build/agl-custom/meta-agl/meta-security/recipes-core/dbus-cynara/dbus-cynara_1.10.20.bb:1: Could not include required file /home/build/agl-custom/poky/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus_1.10.20.bb | ETA: --:--:-- | 18:13 |
fury | there's dbus_1.12.10.bb now | 18:14 |
smurray | fury: yes, I'm working on that atm, there are some non-trivial things involved | 18:15 |
smurray | fury: I'd probably go the other way and try whacking meta-qt5 to work with rocko for the moment | 18:15 |
fury | makes sense | 18:16 |
smurray | fury: there's upstream stuff around the git submodule fetcher that needs to be fixed to have any chance of building with thud or master | 18:16 |
smurray | fury: and then all the fixing of the various patches | 18:17 |
smurray | fury: current ETA is probably end of Feb, early March for post-GG thud upgrade, there's some gating on a renesas BSP update | 18:20 |
fury | smurray: thanks - if i don't have any luck getting 5.12 on rocko, at least thud should get me to 5.11 | 18:24 |
jobol | lucky boys I even can't compile m4! | 18:28 |
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fury | oof | 18:43 |
fury | manually added "rocko" into meta-qt5/conf/layer.conf compat... is this like the jedi mind trick of yocto layer compatibility? :P | 18:44 |
fury | rocko WILL do fine | 18:45 |
fury | guess i'll find out after it gets done fetching...shoulda done that before i went to lunch :D | 18:45 |
fury | if that works, is that something i can "patch in" via a LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_qt5-layer_append or something like that? | 18:48 |
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fury | or do i just need to fork meta-qt5 | 18:49 |
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smurray | fury: tbh, I’m not sure right off, the LAYERSERIES_COMPAT logic is pretty new | 19:03 |
smurray | fury: worth trying to stick the append in site.conf / local.conf to as if it works | 19:04 |
fury | it compiled. about to flash SD card *crosses fingers* | 19:13 |
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fury | kinda works... sluggish though. qt.qpa.wayland.backingstore: Delivering update request through fallback timer, may not be in sync with display | 22:14 |
fury | i only have one window, tho...should just do eglfs | 22:22 |
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fury | ASFDJAKGJASLKFH https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72578 | 22:35 |
fury | i'd like to buy a one-way ticket to the funny farm | 22:35 |
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