IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2018-07-03

*** behanw has joined #automotive00:03
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:39
[AD]Turbohi there07:39
*** jacobo has joined #automotive08:04
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*** leon is now known as Guest9709508:45
*** Guest97095 is now known as leon-anavi08:46
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*** fredw has joined #automotive09:22
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*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC09:56
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*** thegrizz has joined #automotive20:54
thegrizzfor Automotive grade linux, demo build, how do you exit the GUI and get to a terminal?20:55
smurraythegrizz: that's not doable from the GUI, you'd need to log in via serial console or ssh on network21:03
thegrizz^^ thx21:06
smurraythegrizz: depending on what you want to do, potentially you can change the weston configuration to use desktop-shell instead of the ivi-shell, but you lose the AGL UI that way21:07
smurraythegrizz: so it'people usually use serial console for debugging21:07
smurrayit's common to use serial console for debugging21:08
thegrizz@smurray thx for the help21:08
thegrizzLOL im so new to irc. How are you specifying my username in the chat21:09
smurraythegrizz: most clients look for a "username: " prefix21:16
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