IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2018-05-31

mranostayNo that can be removed00:20
*** martinkelly has quit IRC00:24
mranostaydl9pf: so can you merge my qml changes to eel when you get a chance? :)00:51
*** rdale has quit IRC01:30
*** mdurnev has joined #automotive03:06
*** mdurnev has quit IRC03:07
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive05:15
*** mdurnev has joined #automotive05:52
*** mdurnev has quit IRC06:00
*** RzR has quit IRC06:42
*** jobol has joined #automotive06:58
*** rajm has joined #automotive07:15
*** fredw has joined #automotive07:16
*** Guest94221 has joined #automotive07:29
*** leon has joined #automotive07:42
*** leon has joined #automotive07:43
*** leon is now known as Guest5632607:43
*** Guest56326 is now known as leon-anavi07:43
*** toscalix has joined #automotive07:54
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:58
*** rdale has joined #automotive08:13
*** jacobo has joined #automotive08:31
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC09:07
*** RzR has joined #automotive09:28
*** AD_Turbo has joined #automotive09:38
*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC09:39
*** fredw has quit IRC10:11
*** leon has joined #automotive11:25
*** leon is now known as leon-anavi11:25
*** leon has joined #automotive11:26
*** leon is now known as Guest8488011:26
*** Guest84880 is now known as leon-anavi11:26
*** fredw has joined #automotive11:48
*** tpollard has quit IRC12:02
*** tpollard has joined #automotive12:07
*** Net147 has joined #automotive12:24
*** jacobo has quit IRC12:33
*** tpollard has quit IRC13:46
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*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC14:10
*** jacobo has joined #automotive14:10
*** toscalix has quit IRC14:24
*** toscalix has joined #automotive14:25
*** rajm has quit IRC14:30
*** rajm has joined #automotive14:44
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*** rajm has joined #automotive15:14
*** rajm has quit IRC15:47
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC15:52
*** AD_Turbo has quit IRC16:19
*** fredw has quit IRC16:22
*** praneeth has quit IRC16:31
*** praneeth has joined #automotive16:31
*** martinkelly has joined #automotive17:01
*** jobol has quit IRC17:03
*** toscalix has quit IRC17:09
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*** fredw has joined #automotive17:49
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*** nayfe has quit IRC19:26
*** dravine has quit IRC19:36
*** Guest94221 has quit IRC19:54
*** dravine has joined #automotive20:07
*** fredw has quit IRC20:29
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*** rdale has quit IRC20:42
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*** ronan_ has joined #automotive20:57
*** dravine has joined #automotive21:09
*** kooltux__ has joined #automotive22:18
*** kooltux__ has quit IRC22:23

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