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leon-anavi | morning | 05:33 |
mranostay | leon-anavi: morning? that is like your opinion, man :) | 05:35 |
leon-anavi | mranostay, thanks for the fix and update of the gerrit change :) You have +1 from me. | 05:36 |
mranostay | leon-anavi: i'll never wash that +1 again! :) | 05:37 |
leon-anavi | :) | 05:37 |
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dl9pf | hi ! | 08:51 |
dl9pf | @iot - is jose online ? | 08:51 |
mranostay | dl9pf: afternoon! | 08:55 |
dl9pf | hehe .... good morning (UGT) | 08:55 |
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dzvyper | Hello everyone. I'm quite new to the AGL, trying to boot the latest eel 5.0.2 qemu-x86-64 vmdk with VirtualBox/VMware and experiencing problems with the graphics | 13:05 |
dzvyper | Anyone can help? | 13:05 |
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dzvyper | also couldn't get any graphics booting with QEMU | 13:07 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: is the output on Vbox not visible or does it scale badly ? | 13:13 |
dl9pf | on qemu , what happenz if you resize the qemu window ? | 13:13 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: please take a look at https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-1061 also. | 13:15 |
dzvyper | dl9pf: it's scaled badly in VBox and VMware | 13:15 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: that seems to be https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-776 | 13:15 |
dzvyper | on QEMU it doesn;t help if you resize | 13:15 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: ok, good to know. | 13:16 |
dl9pf | what VirtualBox version do you use ? | 13:17 |
dl9pf | https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-961 mentions that at least 5.2 is necessary | 13:17 |
dzvyper | For VirtualBox it's 5.2.4 | 13:18 |
dzvyper | Also the screen that I get is simply scaled badly | 13:18 |
dzvyper | I can see some icons there, so it's not exactly as explained in SPEC-776 and 961 | 13:18 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: that is likely not a bug. currently the UI resolution is hardcoded to 1080x1920 (vertical) and on a normal desktop the VM will try to squeeze it into horizontal mode | 13:19 |
dzvyper | However, on the Qemu I don't see anything | 13:19 |
dl9pf | ok, wrt qemu: please file a bugreport on jira.automotivelinux.org and assign to "Jan-Simon Möller | 13:20 |
dzvyper | however on the console I can see that it boots up correctly | 13:20 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: maybe check if "systemctl status weston.service" | 13:20 |
dl9pf | is up | 13:20 |
smurray | dl9pf: when's your cut-off for 5.0.3? | 13:20 |
mranostay | smurray: jinx :) | 13:20 |
dl9pf | smurray: plan is actually tomorrow evening my time. BUT we need to hear what audio change might get in in the devcall tomorrow. So I'd say wednesday is realistic. | 13:21 |
dzvyper | dl9pf: will file a bug, np | 13:22 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: thanks! | 13:22 |
dzvyper | as for the VBox | 13:22 |
dzvyper | So what can I do in this case | 13:22 |
dzvyper | ? | 13:22 |
dl9pf | please include as much info as possible, we'll look into it. | 13:22 |
dl9pf | qemu seems a bug (need to know how you started qemu and what qemu version) . vbox seems not a bug, but a 'feature' due to the vertical alignment of the UI. | 13:23 |
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dl9pf | well ... its a bug, too, in the end | 13:24 |
dzvyper | :-) | 13:24 |
dzvyper | got it. do we have any workaround ? | 13:24 |
smurray | dl9pf: okay, thanks. I've got a couple of things I'll try to get queued later today/tonight | 13:25 |
dzvyper | it's classic to use VBox for testing. it's a shame that it doesn;t work properly .... | 13:25 |
dl9pf | smurray: ack, sounds fine. | 13:25 |
dl9pf | dzvyper: agreed, we need to fix that . | 13:26 |
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dzvyper | d19pf: got it. do you have a roadmap for it ? i'm asking because there is currently no ticket for that | 13:28 |
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dl9pf | dzvyper: will bring it up in the developer call today. I can't tell w/o reproducing it locally first... | 13:43 |
mranostay | dl9pf: i assume you have a script to update the SRCREVs in the recipe for eel releases? | 13:46 |
mranostay | otherwise my libqtappfw and settings changes will be useless without a recipe update | 13:46 |
dl9pf | mranostay: no, you have to update the srcrev's | 13:48 |
dl9pf | if it does not use ${AGL_DEFAULT_REVISION} | 13:48 |
mranostay | ok chicken and egg problem :) | 13:48 |
mranostay | ah right i'll check that | 13:49 |
dl9pf | ${AGL_DEFAULT_REVISION} defaults to ${AUTOREV} on the branch but for a (point)release we can redefine it to pin it . | 13:49 |
dl9pf | I'd prefer fixed refs nevertheless | 13:49 |
mranostay | dl9pf: ah i'll have to change that then | 13:49 |
dl9pf | b/c it avoids surprises we saw with ${AUTOREV} | 13:50 |
dl9pf | so please just update the hashes. | 13:50 |
mranostay | oh well do when stuff is merged :) | 13:50 |
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Tartarus | dl9pf: ping, do you have an m3 failure handy for SPEC-1418? | 21:28 |
Tartarus | or khilman ? | 21:28 |
khilman | Tartarus: I can try and create one for you, but my m3 is offline (and in france with everyone gone home for the day) | 21:57 |
Tartarus | khilman: No worries, I'm pretty sure about my comments in 1418 | 21:57 |
khilman | based on what I remember, I think you're right | 21:59 |
khilman | the problems hit by rpi and m3 were slightly different (max args vs max buffer) | 21:59 |
khilman | anyone know if renesas have a newer uboot for this platform? | 21:59 |
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Tartarus | khilman: That they've changed these variables in? No | 22:00 |
Tartarus | We could "easily" patch that, but then we'd have to flash in newer U-Boots of course | 22:01 |
khilman | I'm ok with flashing new uboots. For CIAT, There's only 2 boards to worry about, one in AGL core lab, one in BayLibre france lab | 22:02 |
Tartarus | There must be some reason dl9pf didn't want us doing that before :) | 22:06 |
dl9pf | @Tartarus: re: I have https://lava.automotivelinux.org/scheduler/device/m3ulcb-01 available if you wanna try out things. | 22:07 |
dl9pf | wrt u-boot flashing: well , if it affects just 2 boards, we can spin our own u-boot build and max-out the variables as Tom pointed out | 22:07 |
dl9pf | but no one will easily find then a way to reproduce it. | 22:07 |
Tartarus | Well, imho, we should be using the U-Boot from AGL | 22:08 |
Tartarus | And we can patch U-Boot | 22:08 |
Tartarus | And I swear it already builds U-Boot | 22:08 |
dl9pf | but I'm fine with flashing u-boot if that is the cure for all | 22:08 |
dl9pf | iirc we build u-boot for the m3 | 22:08 |
dl9pf | https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/release/eel/5.0.2/m3ulcb-nogfx/deploy/images/m3ulcb/ | 22:09 |
dl9pf | contains a u-boot build | 22:09 |
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dl9pf | so we'd just have to patch the u-boot config to enhance the vars/buffer | 22:09 |
Tartarus | Yeah | 22:09 |
dl9pf | ... and flash all the boards that might need it. | 22:10 |
dl9pf | ... who patches meta-renesas-rcar-gen3 .... /me looks at @Tartarus .... wink wink ;) | 22:11 |
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dl9pf | https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-1434 , tnx. | 22:19 |
Tartarus | My tomorrow ;) And yeah, ok | 22:23 |
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