IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2018-03-16

*** mdurnev has quit IRC00:11
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*** thaytan_ is now known as thaytan04:38
*** mfritzsch has joined #automotive05:31
*** thalidomide has joined #automotive06:38
*** jobol has joined #automotive07:04
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*** wireshark has quit IRC07:31
*** rajm has joined #automotive07:46
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*** rajm has quit IRC07:58
jobolhi guys07:59
joboldlp9f are you here?08:12
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC08:18
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:49
*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC09:12
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*** praneeth__ has quit IRC11:04
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*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC14:17
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*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC16:00
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*** wireshark has joined #automotive18:02
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*** hk___ has joined #automotive19:27
hk___Is smack necessary for agl?19:28
hk___How to launch agl manually using command prompt?19:30
*** rZZZr is now known as rZr19:30
rZrkooltux, hi19:30
hk___The agl i compiled asks for a login and doesn't boot in the agl homescreen directly19:31
hk___Is there any way to launch it manually ?19:31
mranostayhk___: login on the serial i assume19:36
hk___yes I logged in19:36
hk___then how to launch the agl homescreen?19:37
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*** wireshark has quit IRC23:55
*** buspirate has joined #automotive23:56
*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC23:57

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