IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2017-12-20

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mranostayfury: poke01:35
furymranostay: yo01:35
mranostayfury: so SPEC-1165.. is   that really an issue you can measure?01:35
mranostaybecause scanning in background is pretty typical01:36
furyyeah, i can tell the difference between when it's scanning and when it's not01:36
furythe app that i made internally, there's a network protocol that pings back and forth about every 100ms with some message if there was an update01:37
furyand when it's scanning, those can take several seconds to arrive01:37
furywhen it's not, it's fine01:37
mranostaybut connman is handling it01:37
mranostayfury: which platform are you using?01:38
furyit seems to only happen once i've hit settings to open up the wifi network list01:38
furythe background scanning that connman does to connect on startup doesn't seem to hurt01:38
furyminnowboard turbot dual e, netgear wna1100 (same atheros htc9k chipset as the old tplink dongle)01:39
mranostaycould be that insane amount of debug that isn't need to the journal01:39
furywould that be enough to kill wifi performance? O_o01:42
mranostayideally no01:42
mranostayin any case it is a bit annoying01:43
mranostayfury: can you confirm it is staying connected and not doing a flood of connect/disconnects?01:43
furyit did stay connected, because i have a tcp connection that would tell me if there was a disconnect01:44
furyi don't have the image flashed on my board right now, though, cause was doing a kubernetes cluster test on the minnowboards (pro tip: get something with more than 2 gigs of RAM for one of these)01:44
mranostayfury: well not it is was short enough01:44
furyaaaaaaaaand headed out on vacation for the next couple weeks, whoops01:45
furyso the wifi could disconnect and reconnect and any tcp sessions would still be open?01:45
furyeven SSH01:45
furyi mean, just typing on SSH or scrolling through the journalctl over ssh would be jittery once settings app was opened01:46
furyso i'm not sure if i'm unique with this issue or what...surely somebody has fiddled around with it over ssh while on wifi right?01:46
smurraytbh, I'm usually on serial console01:46
mranostaywired connection for me01:47
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mranostayfury: lot of sync dbus calls but i highly doubt that would lock up connman02:27
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dl9pffury: that is the settings app still polling/scanning the wifi all the time, saw a jira fly by10:41
dl9pfwe might enforce a full rescan instead of just querying the background data10:44
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