IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2017-10-20

*** dhobsong has joined #automotive01:03
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*** Guest75467 is now known as leon-anavi06:11
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:46
[AD]Turbohi there07:46
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*** LoysO has joined #automotive10:03
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*** AD_Turbo has joined #automotive12:52
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*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC14:06
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*** stevenvdschoot has quit IRC15:03
*** brlogger has joined #automotive15:35
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*** brlogger has joined #automotive15:46
leon-anavihi fury how are you?15:47
*** araujo has joined #automotive15:47
furyhangin in there :D super backlogged with stuff i gotta do, but whittling away at it like ants to an elephant :P15:47
*** brlogger has joined #automotive16:09
leon-anaviI have been in Prague back in 2012 for a local Linux event. It was fun.16:17
leon-anaviHope ELCE will be even better :)16:17
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toscalix_leon-anavi: see you soon :-)16:28
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*** martinkelly has joined #automotive18:45
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