IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2017-10-17

*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive00:10
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*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive00:14
*** buspirate has quit IRC00:20
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*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC01:16
*** mdurnev1 has joined #automotive01:16
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*** mdurnev1 is now known as mdurnev01:18
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive01:27
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*** buspirate has joined #automotive02:02
*** gattuso has quit IRC02:36
*** thaytan has quit IRC02:37
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*** mdurnev has quit IRC03:09
*** mdurnev has joined #automotive03:59
*** iivanov has quit IRC05:20
*** iivanov has joined #automotive05:20
*** stevenvdschoot has joined #automotive06:23
*** stevenvdschoot has quit IRC06:24
*** Vamsi has quit IRC06:33
*** Vamsi has joined #automotive06:48
*** claneys has joined #automotive07:02
*** stevenvdschoot has joined #automotive07:02
*** jobol has joined #automotive07:07
*** leon has joined #automotive07:11
*** leon is now known as Guest2146807:12
*** Guest21468 is now known as leon-anavi07:14
*** rajm has joined #automotive07:20
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*** iivanov has quit IRC07:27
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*** rdale has joined #automotive07:42
jobolhi all, how is AGL today ? I mean running QEMU?07:43
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive07:46
[AD]Turbohi there07:46
jobolhi you07:46
*** toscalix has joined #automotive08:11
*** RzR is now known as rZr08:17
*** fredw has joined #automotive08:22
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*** rstreif has quit IRC08:31
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*** philrob has joined #automotive09:00
*** wireshark has joined #automotive09:14
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*** buspirate has quit IRC09:16
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*** wireshark has quit IRC09:23
*** araujo has joined #automotive09:33
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*** jobol has quit IRC09:52
*** devnull is now known as buspirate10:29
*** toscalix has quit IRC10:40
*** reinar_ has quit IRC11:03
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*** iivanov_ has joined #automotive11:10
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*** gunnarx has joined #automotive12:00
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC12:10
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*** stevenvdschoot has quit IRC12:18
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*** Vamsi has quit IRC12:28
*** iivanov has quit IRC13:09
*** iivanov has joined #automotive13:09
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC13:25
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*** fredw1 has joined #automotive13:55
*** fredw has quit IRC13:57
*** fredw1 is now known as fredw13:57
*** philrob has quit IRC14:00
*** toscalix has joined #automotive14:55
toscalixon my way to AGL AMM. My plane is late. I will not make it for the dinner15:02
*** mfritzsch has quit IRC15:12
*** rajm has quit IRC15:21
*** kbroulik has quit IRC15:24
*** toscalix has quit IRC15:56
*** stevenvdschoot has quit IRC16:18
*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC16:45
*** gunnarx has quit IRC16:58
*** fredw has quit IRC17:02
*** stevenvdschoot has joined #automotive17:02
*** claneys has quit IRC17:04
*** genti has joined #automotive17:24
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive17:26
*** genti has quit IRC17:28
*** jacobo has quit IRC17:47
*** ToxicGumbo-work1 has quit IRC18:28
*** ToxicGumbo-work has joined #automotive18:28
*** rdale has quit IRC18:58
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*** halfline has quit IRC19:51
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*** mdurnev has joined #automotive23:21
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive23:57

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