IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2017-10-10

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[AD]Turbohi there07:36
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toscalixdl9pf: is CIAT group having a meeting at AGL AMM ?09:23
toscalixuh, let me check the notes from the previous meeting. I missed it :-)09:24
toscalixnop, no news about it09:27
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leon-anaviToday I noticed a bug in AGL master with Weston 2.0 on rpi3 (probably other devices are also affected): Weston fails to start if there is no keyboard or mouse attached.13:07
leon-anaviDetails at:
leon-anaviI remember fixing something similar in older Weston (SPEC-297) so I will have a look.13:07
CTtpollardthat old one13:08
leon-anaviit is a recurring thing :)13:11
leon-anavistill... it took me 15-20min to figure out that I have to plug the mouse to run weston fine :D :D :D13:11
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joboldl9pf, ping18:29
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