IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2017-10-05

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khilmansmurray: FYI: I'm repeatedly running CI jobs on m3ulcb and qemux86-64 using master + the SPEC-544 fix, so far so good!16:22
smurraykhilman: whew, that's good to hear.  Just don't ask to me to explain why that change fixes it ;)16:23
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khilmansmurray: 10+ boots in a row of each (m3ulcb, qemux86-64) , and no signs of the bug so far17:49
smurraykhilman: nice17:49
smurraykhilman: I netboted a porter board with it in dab several hundred times w/o a problem, so I'm optimistic17:50
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dl9pfsmurray: good catch ... reading the patch I really also wonder what it 'fixes' .19:24
smurraydl9pf: yep19:25
dl9pfit seems like we have a weird sequence of ExecStarts  in our unit files19:25
dl9pfat lest that what you get to think19:26
smurraydl9pf: it seems other folks see it in plain OE, though19:27
dl9pfyes, less frequent19:27
smurraythere is some underlying bug that is still there, with enough load it will fail, eg with debug logging19:29
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