IRC logs for #automotive for Saturday, 2017-05-20

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akilawi'm learning yocto for build zebra inside the GDP04:26
akilawzebra is a HTML5 javascript based framework04:27
akilawI have to write a recipe for zebra and put it in an appropriate location under meta-genivi-dev submodule in GDP04:28
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khemsmurray: what specific features are being used ?15:13
smurraykhem: I'd have to dig around more to get a more complete list, but some of the dbus stuff, setting up cgroups, bunch of the startup is tied to generated unit files, etc.15:19
smurraykhem: someone who's been involved with project longer than I have would know if they discussed the drawbacks of the journal in the early days15:20
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khemsmurray: more than often systemd is used keeping 1 or 2 usecases that needs to be solved but it comes with lot of baggage which is not what embedded systems want15:23
khemmostly folks need application life cycle management which can be done easily w/o systemd15:24
khemrunit e.g. can do that and is simple as well as small15:24
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smurraykhem: yeah.  I suspect AGL is not in a position to switch off of systemd at this point15:29
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* mranostay jumps aboard khem's systemd hate train :)17:27
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