IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2017-05-17

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mranostayfury:  seems to find the problem on my end (rpi3 but a 32-bit build). but feel free to confirm..
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CTtpollardwoah backscroll09:10
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chronhello! I wanted to install AGL on a RaspberryPi 3 I have, so I downloaded the image and copied it on my SD as per instructions. I now get a Boot Error though (7 Green LED flashes) which means that I am missing a kernel.img file. Where do I get that?10:36
chronI tried building the kernel from master branch, for the RPi, but I cannot find the file.10:37
CTtpollardthe .sdimg should included everything you need if you dd onto the card10:37
chronoh okay, I downloaded the "agl-demo-platform-raspberrypi3.rootfs.rpi-sdimg-ota" file that is linked on the download page, and it does not contain the kernel.img when I use dd.10:44
chronthe instruction page also states that you have to download the Kernel seperately10:44
chron"If you want to bypass the build phase and quick boot the board, you can download the image tarball and the kernel then follow the installation procedure."10:45
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chronwas that the wrong file I downloaded?10:59
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akilawhi guys11:19
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furyhow do i pass a usb flash drive through to qemu? trying to test the flash drive over here on qemu to see if it's just my porter or what13:09
mdpfury, heh, just read your update. nice to see that this is a porter specific audio driver issue.13:16
mdpsadly, that platform is being moved to community-supported only13:16
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mdpfury, I've got a usb headset plugged into the porter..I tried switching between a 1khz sine tone on each "card" does seem that I can reproduce that slightly "off" tone with the onboard codec versus this headset.13:37
mdpfury, also, I noticed on first start that there was a huge 1+ seconds before the tone started playing..I wonder if the onboard codec has some enormous wake latency and that's been causing various reported lag.13:38
mdpfinally, I also heard some crackling that settled down after a couple seconds of samples were processed13:39
mdpnone of which do I see on a usb audio device on the same porter board.13:39
CTtpollardI've heard the crackling before on initial audio from the porter13:39
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furyi don't recall the same off-pitchness from the porter some months ago (chinook?)13:51
furyor was it blowfish13:51
furyi forget13:51
furyi had files manually loaded into the media player app13:51
furywhat's the best board to go with these days?13:52
furythey were loaded on as mp3s which did work at the time (i'm guessing they weren't supposed to?)13:53
mdpfury, porter had the benefit of a bsp layer where gstreamer had bbappends with mp3 enabled for whatever reason. the rest of the builds just had the default build with ogg support.13:55
CTtpollardthe porter (h2) boards have been replaced by the '3' series now13:55
furythink it was before chinook (before the homescreen and all that got packaged into .wgt files)13:55
mdpfury, I think we're just one patch away from defaulting to mp3 on..just nobody has bothered.13:56
furymakes sense13:56
mdpCTtpollard: in theory, replaced, except there are "issues" with the m3 boards on AGL atm.13:56
CTtpollardmdp: oh of course :)13:57
CTtpollardI meant from a renesas standpoint13:58
mdpfury: I wanted walt just to give a thumbs-up that LF was ok distributing binaries with mp3 support from a legal sense..but I think he escaped to vacation too quickly ;)13:58
furyyou can never escape to vacation too quickly :P13:58
mdpCTtpollard: right, every vendor to move folks forward more quickly than the software they ship allows ;)13:58
mdpfury: not from the vacationer's perspective..from my perspective ;)13:58
furynot too worried about mp3 specifically, i'm just really curious what changed between now and then, cause i swear i wasn't having this odd sound card behavior before13:58
* mdp is counting down his days, in fact.13:58
furyi don't know how far back in time i have to jump to replicate that though13:59
mdpfury: nfc, only recently has porter become interesting as a devel platform to me13:59
mdpfury, chinook build?13:59
furywas media scanning of a flash drive ready by chinook, or do i have to manually put a songsmodel.qml and files on the SD card somewhere?14:00
furythat's what i recall doing to test the media player before the home screen went to the circular icons and whatnot14:00
furybut i went and hid under a rock around that time, didn't keep up with the changes and whatnot14:01
CTtpollard hiding under a rock sounds fun14:01
furyi just realized how much i use things like "and whatnot"14:01
furywell, it is, but then i come back out of hiding and stuff is broke that i thought wasn't broke before :D it drives me nuts til i figure it out14:02
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furyrepo is an unfortunate name for that tool, because when i google for "how to roll back repo to a certain time" all i get is for git, svn, etc.14:06
furyi guess i could do it based on AGL release branches and see if i can narrow it down to between two releases14:07
furynot sure if i should spend that time and energy on it if porter is going out of support tho14:07
furybut also not sure if i want to spring for a whole new board that also has issues :P14:07
furyi got one or two pi3s, i'll fire it up on one of those14:09
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mdpfury, in chinook there was no external media support for media files. the mediaplayer simply looked in the Qt default media path (~/Music/) and will recognize everything in there.14:27
furyah ok14:27
mdpfury, be aware that because it's all executed in the qsg render thread that if you point it at your library of a thousand's going to go out to lunch for a while while it churns on those.14:28
furycan i add mp3s to the bblayers.conf? BBAPPENDS_gstreamer =+ something or other?14:28
mdpfury, you can certainly do you own build with mp3 enabled in a bbappend.14:28
furyyeah, don't think i even have a thousand, i threw one sine wave on this flash drive to check the frequency it was outputting14:28
mdpfury, I learned that the hard way at first. the new code that mranostay did is asynchronous so shouldn't have that nightmare.14:29
mdpahh, ok..yeah, to duplicate your test I just ran "speaker-test" with the sine option14:30
furywish i'd thought of that :D14:34
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furybut then i wouldn't have run into the large file problem14:34
smurrayfury: I've added mp3 support via a local/site.conf previously, IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-mad" will do it, I think14:38
furythat's even better, can just throw that into my existing site.conf that gives it the sstate/downloads dir14:38
furythanks! :D14:38
mdpthis first idea is free ;)14:39
furycan i pay you in dogecoin for the rest?14:39
furyoops. nothing rprovides gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-mad14:39
furyi see ugly, i see bad, but i no see ugly mad14:41
smurraywhich platform are you using?14:42
smurrayk, it's possible that gstreamer versions are now different between the renesas boards and the others in master14:42
smurraygive me a sec14:42
furyoh, was looking in the renesas multimedia recipes but in the terminal, bitbaking for pi14:43
furywhere are the base gstreamer recipes?14:44
furyok yeah in poky/meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer i see good, bad, ugly14:45
smurraytry adding LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "commercial" to your site.conf if you don't have it14:46
smurrayI think there's some logic around that for the ugly plugins14:46
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furyyep that worked, it's now initializing tasks14:47
furythanks again :D14:47
furyooh. that antivirus scanner is really having a ball with the bitbaking going on14:48
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furysmurray: failed, "gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-mad not found in the feeds" -
smurrayfury: hrm18:11
smurrayfury: I'll have to experiment a bit to see what it takes now18:11
furywould it be just -ugly, not -ugly-mad?18:12
smurray-ugly will pull in all of them18:13
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akilawhi all18:50
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smurrayfury: instead of mad, the version of gstreamer for non-renesas uses mpg123, so do: IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-mpg123"19:41
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furyok got it, unfortunately i'm not getting past the blank screen after the initial bootloader :(21:04
furybut gotta run, i'll try to check it out in more detail tomorrow (does the pi have a serial console that's easy enough to hook up?)21:04
smurrayfury: see
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Chronhello, I still have the same problem as earlier, I am missing a  kernel.img from the boot partition of the Raspberry Pi image on the Website. Could maybe someone provide me with theirs?21:57
Chron*Pi 3 btw21:58
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