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jbocklage | another sunny day here at the f2f :) | 07:16 |
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leon-anavi | hi | 08:13 |
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HamzaTihami | hi | 11:08 |
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wesam | how would one port their qt app to AGL | 15:00 |
wesam | I followed this guide: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/APN%20-%20Yocto%20QT%20Application%20Development_20140925.pdf | 15:01 |
wesam | but I get the error: No such file or directory | 15:01 |
CTtpollard | wesam: look at the documentation within meta-qt5 | 15:05 |
wesam | oh good idea | 15:06 |
CTtpollard | and example apps already in agl demo | 15:06 |
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wesam | is there a way to debug my qt app on AGL using the sdk instead of bitbaking it in | 15:30 |
leon-anavi | zeenix, thank you for merging the GitHub pull request with Aktualizr updates. | 15:44 |
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zeenix | leon-anavi-cloud: np, it was pretty simple one :) | 17:04 |
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mdp | wesan, it's no problem to use the agl crosssdk to build any of the demo apps and scp to your target. As CTtpollard suggested, just use a demo app repo as the guideline for your custom one. | 21:35 |
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