IRC logs for #automotive for Monday, 2017-02-13

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leon-anavihi dl9pf_11:25
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gunnarxCTtpollard & pedroalvarez  - my condolences...12:10
CTtpollardReference to Paul's email I presume12:12
zeenixis he the CEO?12:41
zeenixhe sounds very different from Rob Taylor12:41
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zeenixi guess i should update meta-ivi to latest of 11.0 branch in our v11 branch as well12:48
gunnarxzeenix, yes12:49
zeenixwe'll soon have more green on :)12:51
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CTtpollardhi RzR15:45
RzRDid anyone make picture of fosdem dinner ?15:45
RzRzeenix, I checked master seems fine15:46
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zeenixRzR: thanks for testing it!16:00
zeenixRzR: all pipelines are green too now16:00
dl9pf_RzR: I think i've 2-3 pics on my phone16:00
leon-anaviRzR, are you reported even dinners to Samsung HQ ;) ?16:01
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leon-anaviI might have a photo but I have to go now ping me later to check for a photo.16:01
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RzRleon-anavi, well I am only reporting the truth :)16:04
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RzRleon-anavi, don't panic I will not say that most pple ate too big burgers :)16:05
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CTtpollardmmm burger16:06
RzRzeenix, btw Pi0 could be supported for super cheap cars :)16:09
RzRI will give a try16:09
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wesamHello, weird question but I was wondering which packages are needed for the bare minimum to make AGL work on a car19:11
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khemwesam: AGL is complete OS so I wonder if you mean packages to build it ?19:22
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wesamsorry i meant like if i built an agl image from this tutorial and put it on a intel board19:26
wesamwould that be enough to stick in a car and use, or would i need to add to the bitbake packages19:26
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khemwesam: I believe no, what goes into car would have additional stuff OEMs would be better deciding on those19:35
khemwesam: AGL will however provide a common codebase for them to start19:36
wesamalright, thats good to know19:36
wesamthat answers my question then19:36
wesamthank you19:36
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mranostayquestion is anyone else seeing messages like "aim_cdev: Unknown symbol most_get_mbo (err -22)" in journalctl?22:03
mranostayon the rpi3 target22:03
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mdpmranostay: that's interesting..the cdev driver kconfig doesn't explicitly depend on the mostcore module..a bug.23:18
mdpmranostay: that's an upstream bug23:19
mranostayah interesting it hasn't be detected with the random config tests23:19
mdpI think those ignore staging23:21
mdpthat might be why23:21
mranostaymakes sense.. anyway i'll fix it and pop it up on gerrit23:21
mdpok, yeah, be sure to submit to mainline though. there's enough kernel divergence as is in these AGL vendor kernels.23:23
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mdpmranostay: should be taken in quickly by christian.23:25
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mranostayAlso homescreen is giving this message on the rpi3 trying to run the ivi-shell23:31
mranostaywl_drm@15: error 2: invalid name23:31
mranostayThe Wayland connection experienced a fatal error (Protocol error)23:31
mranostayThis is a protocol mismatch?23:31
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