IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2017-01-20

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furyhi guys03:35
furyhow's it hangin?03:36
furyanyone use gitlab CI to bitbake AGL or GDP?03:37
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zeenixthis is strange one:
RzRzeenix, please can you register again on there is one more question10:06
zeenixRzR: sure thing10:06
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RzRdl9pf, hi10:47
RzRdl9pf, I've contacted some pple , some have registered10:48
RzRbut one is vegeterian. we need to make sure the place is cooking veg meal, it's usually the case10:49
CTtpollardwhat more do you need in belgium10:49
RzRIIRC, frites are cooked w/ animal fat in belgium10:50
RzRCTtpollard, will u come too?10:51
CTtpollardI'm at a company meal on the saturday10:52
CTtpollardBut I will be around the automotive room for various people's talks :)10:52
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jakekhi all, just let u know, ces2017 demo qemu.vmdk works ok (vbox+win7). just comment out ./etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini the line #backend=drm-backend.so11:12
dl9pfjakek: cool11:16
CTtpollardI did some work around testing the state of drm backend with qemux86-6411:16
CTtpollardI sent a PR to GDP for it
dl9pfyeah - its what you want if it works, but might cause trouble in other cases ...sigh.11:21
dl9pfto be honest, the weston.ini reminds me too much on the early xorg.conf days :/11:21
dl9pfway too much hardcoding11:21
CTtpollardIt's currently too reliant on the host, so releasing a the qemu binary image configured for DRM is not really suitable11:24
dl9pfb/c the autodetection is crappy11:29
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dl9pfi know it's not easy, but everyone doing workaround scripts is even worse11:30
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jbocklageleon-anavi: do you know if anyone started integrating weston 1.11? (saw your jira issue)12:35
leon-anavihi jbocklage12:37
leon-anavino, but I would like to start working on this task12:37
leon-anaviI did a quick investigation and opened that task in JIRA12:38
jbocklageon rpi3?12:38
leon-anaviI believe that in long term we need it on all platforms12:38
leon-anaviright now I am busy with some other tasks so I have to ping my supervisors to check about the weston migration12:39
jbocklageok. I can test on porter, if required12:40
leon-anaviI have rpi3/2, porter and minnowboard here :)12:40
* jbocklage bows12:40
leon-anaviI will check my schedule and send a few emails to see if I can get my hands on this task :)12:45
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dl9pfronan__: ping15:10
dl9pfronan__: available now ?15:10
zeenixleon-anavi: hi15:25
zeenixleon-anavi: we are looking at the failures seems they for some reason fail on building jq15:26
zeenixleon-anavi: also i failed to build lshw recipe when i updated somme of the repos to morty15:28
zeenixand afaict both lshw and jq are being used by a script that is not being used by sota-client's code15:28
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zeenixlooking more closely this script is used by makefile to create packages and we can live without them in gdp?15:31
zeenixleon-anavi: could you please confirm that info when you have time?15:31
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leon-anavihi zeenix15:59
leon-anaviI am not sure about this script. Have posted the failures in a JIRA issue?16:00
leon-anaviI would like to have a look at them16:00
leon-anaviwhat is wrong with lshw in morty?16:00
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zeenixleon-anavi: good point, no ticket yet but i asked Viktor to create one now16:27
leon-anaviIn my opinion it will be prefer to fix whatever is failing in lshw16:27
zeenixabout lshw failure: <zeenix> this is strange one:
zeenixrburton told me that it's like cause build is not respecting LDFLAGS16:28
zeenixleon-anavi: sure but first let's see if it's actually needed16:28
leon-anaviok, this is seems as a common mistake when upgrading from one to another version of Yocto Project16:29
leon-anavilet's get it fixes16:29
leon-anaviPlease report this in JIRA with all the details16:30
jaragunde{M}hi zeenix! I was trying to build an up-to-date GDP master image for the Silk, unfortunately I can't even complete the build...16:31
jaragunde{M}error message looks like this:
zeenixi already launched a build with his patch:
zeenixjaragunde{M}: wow that seems new16:33
zeenixjaragunde{M}: to me at least :(16:33
jaragunde{M}Yep, first time I see it too... didn't happen when I built v11.016:33
zeenixjaragunde{M}: is it a completely clean repo/build?16:33
zeenixjaragunde{M}: i was told that it's best to keep seperate checkouts/builds for each target16:34
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jaragunde{M}zeenix: I think so, I deleted gdp-src-build/*16:34
jaragunde{M}I could try a new checkout anyways16:34
zeenixjaragunde{M}: could be also the env?16:34
leon-anaviare there any pre-built images of AGL for rpi3 available for download?16:34
zeenix<leon-anavi> ok, this is seems as a common mistake when upgrading from one to another version of Yocto Project16:35
zeenixwhat's a common mistake?16:35
leon-anavisorry, not a mistake, a build failure16:35
zeenixah ok16:36
leon-anaviI saw that there several discussions about the same error in the yocto mailing list16:36
leon-anavilet's try to get it fixed16:36
zeenixbut if i'm right in my preliminary assessment, this will be much easier fix:
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leon-anavizeenix, in my opinion it is always better to fix instead of a work around that just removes the failing bits :)16:38
zeenixit's not a work around at all16:38
zeenixit's a fix16:39
zeenixif something is not needed, no need to bother with it. The less sw, the lesser the chances of things breaking16:39
zeenixs/less sw/lesser the sw/16:39
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zeenixleon-anavi: here we go :)
leon-anavican you please mark the build failure as code?16:49
leon-anaviIt is not possible to read it easily as it is now.16:49
leon-anavijust add {code} at the beginning and the end, here is an example:
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zeenixleon-anavi: sure thing, done!16:53
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zeenixcalling it a day!16:59
zeenixhave a nice weekend everyone16:59
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leon-anavihave a nice weekend :) see you next week17:10
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leon-anaviI will be around for a little while :)17:10
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dl9pfHave a nice weekend all.17:22
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furyis working together on apple accessory support within the scope of AGL, or is that part of the 20-30% secret sauce due to the closedness of it?18:25
furye.g. i want to plug an iPhone into my AGL head unit and get music and smartdevicelink and whatnot18:26
furyusb audio etc18:26
furyor over bluetooth if paired up rather than connected to USB18:26
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leon-anavifury, if I were you I would try with Bluetooth19:05
leon-anaviYou never know when Apple will decide to get rid of the USB ;)19:05
furybut yeah, i've got an iPod accessory protocol stack that i wrote for an embedded MCU, looking to plop that down on top of Linux and get the same stuff running over there, i can't imagine i'm the first to want to solve that problem so it'd be cool if we could put heads together and work out the best solution19:07
furyit runs over USB or Bluetooth on those, but through proprietary Bluetooth stack and a USB driver that's specific to that MCU only19:07
furywanted to get them onto something a little more open19:07
leon-anaviI am a bit tired and I need a break. Have a great weekend. See you next week :)19:10
furyhave a good one :D19:10
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mdpfury, it's not in scope of AGL. it's mostly because the Apple MFI program requirements (we're also a member an have done similar work) don't allow FOSS implementations of the specifications you've received as an MFI program member. it's also been mention as a position statement in some PRs that AGL doesn't want to be involved with Carplay or AA21:11
mdpsolutions..leaving that to vendors with the proper relationships with A and G.21:11
mdpyou lawyer's interpretation may be YMMV ;)21:11
furymakes sense21:12
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furyand yeah, i figure the program agreements don't allow free and open source, but i was curious as to whether anyone was interested in the next best thing, an "open to other members of the program" source21:12
furybecause i know they allow members to discuss with each other, it's just that nobody seems to want to collaborate to that level...i've managed to get some contacts at apple themselves which are doing some work on linux, but no idea on anyone else21:13
mdpthere could be interest..I think most tier1s and oems are happy to just license somebody's stack so far.21:14
mdpthe MFI restrictions have made me somewhat ill so I'm happy to stay away from that stuff...hurts my FOSS feelings ;)21:15
mdpmy personal interest is more around the reverse engineered AA stack..that has community value21:16
furyi know that feel. i wish they'd just let it roam free. but you put out a car that doesn't talk to an iPhone and you've turned off a good chunk of the population21:16
furyyes, i am quite interested in that too21:17
furyi want to run that over here and see what it's like. the only head unit i've got in house that does actual AA is a resistive touchscreen, low-end Pioneer unit...not the greatest example i guess21:17
furyi touch the screen and in a second or two it does something D:21:18
furyi've probably asked this before, but what hardware/software does it take to run that reverse engineered AA demo?21:21
furycan i set something up on AGL on a porter as a quick and dirty "look boss, magic" sorta deal?21:22
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furyI could probably learn a lot about how you handle video and audio streams and usb drivers in Linux just by fiddling around with something like that21:31
furyi am slow to get going in that for some reason21:31
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furystrangely enough, google, despite all their leaning on open source software, has been the hardest one to talk to about such is happy to give me specs, info, examples O_o21:50
furyas soon as somebody does put out an "open to other members" source version of things like that, it pretty much eliminates the market for stack licensing, which may be an unpopular move i guess21:53
furyi like the idea of SDL, if only there was more oomph behind it. because things like that are natively integrated to the UI and can be more easily customized. i doubt the AA/CP type deal can ever approach the latency/responsiveness of a native UI unless there's a raw HDMI link going on21:56
furyvideo encode takes time, video decode takes time, etc21:56
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