IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2016-12-07

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toscalixleon-anavi: hi09:33
leon-anavihi toscalix how are you?09:39
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toscalixfine, putting some effort on the Civil Infrastructure Initiative from the Linux Foundation lately. CTtpollard will attend today to the GDP call but I also once in a while09:41
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leon-anaviI will also try to join the GDP open call. I have another call just before it and I hope it will finish on time for GDP open call :)10:13
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CTtpollardDo we know if the weekly call is on today?10:24
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MaorHello all10:27
MaorI encountered a problem bitbaking GDP10:28
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leon-anaviCTtpollard, I was away for couple of days so I am not up to date with the GDP news but as far as I know the call should be on today.10:31
leon-anavihi Maor, what kind of a problem do you have?10:31
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MaorHello all12:25
MaorDoes anyone use GDP?12:25
CTtpollardHi Maor12:25
CTtpollardYes, we replied to you before :)12:25
MaorOops sorry12:25
MaorI am a newbie of GDP12:25
MaorI followed the instructions to build GDP for Raspberry Pi 2 but I encountered this issue: rvi-sota-client-git-r0 do_compile: Function failed: do_compile  According to the log the reason is: error: the trait `core::cmp::PartialEq<std::ffi::os_str::OsStr>` is not implemented for the type `std::ffi::os_str::OsString` [E0277]12:26
MaorI am stuck and can't finish bitbaking12:26
MaorHow can I solve this problem?12:27
CTtpollardWhat do you mean by can't finish bitbaking?12:27
MaorThe bitbake process aborted12:28
MaorBecause the task failed12:28
CTtpollardso to start please run bitbake -c clean rvi-sota-client12:28
CTtpollard& then bitbake -c cleansstate rvi-sota-client12:28
MaorOK. Done12:30
MaorNow try to bitbake?12:30
MaorHold my fingers :)12:32
MaorUnfortunately it did not succeed12:36
MaorI use GDP 11 RC212:37
MaorThe problem is in this file:                 var == OsStr::new("LIB")12:45
CTtpollardMaor: I would advise you to take the whole error log into a pastebin, & raise the issue on the genivi-projects mailing list or the GDP Jira. The maintainer is not here right now12:46
MaorI subscribe to the mailing list but still did not get a verification email12:48
CTtpollardIt does look like a race condition though12:48
MaorDoes it relate to the fact that I use several cores for bitbaking?12:49
CTtpollardraces can be more prevalent with higher parallelism yes12:50
MaorThanks you for your help - I will try JIRA/mailing list12:50
CTtpollardMaor: you try temporarily restricting bbthreads/parallelmake in local.conf whilst you build that specific package12:52
CTtpollard*could try12:53
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MaorI'll try12:54
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MaorIt did not help13:15
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MaorCan I send an email straight to the maintainer?13:29
CTtpollardI don't see why not, the rvi client is not maintained by the GDP maintainer however13:29
MaorI followed the instructions from here:,+3+(RPi2,+RPi3)+Hardware+Setup+and+Software+Installation13:35
MaorMaybe there are some dependencies I should install before?13:35
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furyhi guys14:20
furyhow's it hangin?14:20
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CTtpollardjeremiah: do you know if the GDP call in on today?15:16
toscalixHAs anybody tried ?15:17
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mdpdl9pf: is it expected that the ces2017 apps won't start on current AGL master?15:18
chbaeNO GDP call today?15:29 is a joke15:30
ToxicGumbo-workI say this on my own15:30
rjekI can't even work out what it is15:34
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CTtpollardchbae: I don't know, I'll join the call in 22 mins to see15:38
leon-anavime too :) (or a little bit after that)15:38
chbaeok. me too.15:38
leon-anavishouldn't we ask in the mailing list?15:38
NathanI_building GDP stable branch, failed to fetch CES2016. I notice the URL is "", whereas browsing online it's
dl9pfmdp, yes. ces2017 being reworked. see the commits in gerrit.15:41
dl9pfNathanI_: use at least 2.0.415:42
dl9pffixed there15:42
leon-anaviNathanI_, GDP or AGL? :)15:43
leon-anaviNathanI_, cause you wrote GDP and the URL points to AGL repo.15:44
NathanI_sorry AGL15:45
leon-anaviok, now it makes more sense15:45
NathanI_meant to say AGLDP if that's an acronym you guys use, haha15:46
NathanI_"demo platform"15:46
* CTtpollard watches the new agl homescreen on youtube 15:48
NathanI_so, I'm trying to compile blowfish 2.0.415:48
dl9pfNathanI_:  git clone   works here15:49
dl9pfso whats the issue ?15:49
NathanI_so, I'm kinda new to bitbake. Am I not explaining myself clearly? Following instructions here:
NathanI_For the stable release15:51
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dl9pfNathanI_: can you pastbin the error message please (e.g. on )15:51
mdpdl9pf: yeah, I wasn't clear if it was incomplete in terms of features or unable to start like this. thanks.15:52
dl9pfmdp: not alone15:52
mdpdl9pf: ;)15:53
dl9pfNathanI_: please paste "repo manifest" and "repo manifest -r"15:57
dl9pfdid you do a "repo sync" ?15:57
NathanI_I did cleanall, repo sync, same error15:58
radiofreefatal: repository '' not found15:58
NathanI_hmmm, it says blowfish 2.0.315:59
NathanI_did this change in the last day or two?15:59
leon-anaviCTtpollard, chbae I will be a few minutes late for GDP open call. I'm still in another call.16:02
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NathanI_i see, the rpi instructions are out of date:
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dl9pfNathanI_: 2.0.4 was just released. so in your folder, do a16:09
dl9pfrepo init -b blowfish -m default_blowfish_2.0.4.xml -u
dl9pfrepo sync16:09
NathanI_yes, thank you16:09
dl9pfNathanI_: np, glad to help16:11
NathanI_how to I remove all the artifacts from 2.0.3 from my machine?16:11
NathanI_Should I just delete my build folder and start again? I assume there is some overlap, so it would be nice to avoid compiling from scratch if possible. But hardisk space isn't unlimited :)16:13
dl9pfNathanI_: just do the steps i posted in the folder where you used repo already16:18
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dl9pfit will reuse what is there, then you cd into your original build folder (e.g. build   or build-porter, or whatever you used), do a16:19
dl9pfsource ../poky/oe-init-build-env .16:19
dl9pfand continue to build the target16:20
NathanI_yes thanks. But bitbake won't automotically discard all the old build artifacts from previous versions, will it?16:20
NathanI_it doesn't look like much has changed, perhaps I don't need to worry about it16:21
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dl9pfNathanI_: it will reuse what it can, otherwise it will build it again. it uses hashes to calculate if there are changes and detects these.16:24
NathanI_understood, but I also notice it doesn't discard older versions, is there a way to discard these?16:25
dl9pfwhat do you mean with "discard older versions" ?16:30
dl9pfThis files in tmp/deploy/images ??16:30
dl9pfit is safe to remove tmp/  in your build folder.  The reusable bits are in downloads/ and sstate-cache/ .16:31
NathanI_yes, ok. I have done this in the past. I thought perhaps there might be a bitbake command to go through and clean up any unused artifcats.16:34
NathanI_dl9pf: Thanks for the help16:34
waltminerjbocklage123 thanks for the video.16:35
waltminerI expected heavier and thrashier music with it though16:36
jbocklage123I just took the first creative common track I found ;)16:38
dl9pfjbocklage123: call it ... we had to rename Navigation and CES* also to lower-case16:39
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dl9pfupstream dependency resolution bug16:39
jbocklage123can I call it
jbocklage123I want to avoid to go though the gerrit process when I make small changes to my staging area16:41
dl9pfeither then PV will be autodetected  or, then you likely hardcode PV (or it will default to 0.1)16:41
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dl9pfso yes, you can all it homescreen.bb16:42
dl9pfto avoid moving things around ... it is one option if you want to bump the version number of the recipe16:43
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smurraythat's not too common in OE/Yocto, though, people just live with having to rename the recipe AFAICT16:44
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dl9pfsmurray: true. with a carefully written recipe for e.g. a stable release tarball, the "update" is merely mv  + rebuild16:46
dl9pfhere we're merely pulling from git HEAD and want to avoid the extra work16:47
smurrayrename to, maybe? And potentially use AUTOREV for a while?16:48
jbocklage123OK. I now called it simply, since its working on master.16:48
dl9pfjbocklage123: for your staging area, you modify the SRC_URI or the SRCREV16:48
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dl9pfjbocklage123: tnx and sri for the forth and back ...16:49
jbocklage123yes. and np :o)16:49
jbocklage123smurry: good idea, tho16:49
dl9pfyep ... _git is the usual postfix in this case16:50
jbocklage123Jenkins hates me for all the submissions16:51
dl9pfjbocklage123: you can even have multiple and homescreen_git.bb16:51
dl9pfand then select with PREFERRED_VERSION_homescreen = "0.7.0"16:51
dl9pfthat might also help lateron16:51
jbocklage123I know, but since there is no "1.0.0", we should better not keep the old ones ;))16:51
dl9pf(PREFERRED_VERSION_homescreen in local.conf )16:51
dl9pfif it's in, I'll build new snapshots17:00
jbocklage123wait a second... I have to submit a new ces2017demo.bb17:03
jbocklage123YES, BABY!17:03
jbocklage123this looks more like it!!!!17:03
smurraydl9pf: wrt to the question on the ml, doesn't " -f" over-write bblayers.conf?17:04
dl9pf# check for overwrite17:07
dl9pf[[ $FORCE -eq 1 ]] && rm -f \17:07
dl9pf<------>$BUILDDIR/conf/local.conf \17:07
dl9pf<------>$BUILDDIR/conf/bblayers.conf \17:07
dl9pf<------>$BUILDDIR/conf/setup.* \17:07
smurraydl9pf: okay, that's what I thought17:07
dl9pfjbocklage123: why did you remove the packagenames again in ?17:13
dl9pffat finger ?17:13
jbocklage123it is getting too late...17:18
dl9pfjbocklage123:  true,17:21
leon-anavijbocklage123, the video looks great!17:23
jbocklage123the new video?17:23
dl9pfyeah, thats the right track :D   \m/17:24
leon-anaviIt's it new? :) You shared it 4 min ago.17:25
leon-anaviI have to give it a try on rpi317:25
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smurraydl9pf: hopefully quick q, when the MOST guys talk about adding network manager, I'm a bit confused as the agl images seem to use connman?17:28
dl9pfsmurray: it is for their most/can bits and its configuration, not "normal" network17:29
dl9pfyes, confused me first, too.17:29
smurraydl9pf: hrm, that seems suboptimal, afaik connman is similarly configurable these days. Something to worry about cleaning up after CES, perhaps.17:30
smurraydl9pf: hopefully they've tested with at least a wifi connection configured to make sure other stuff isn't affected17:31
dl9pfthis is the part that configures the most driver ...17:31
dl9pfunlikely connman has the support forr that, yet.17:32
smurraydl9pf: I thought connman had plugin support? Though I'm just guessing that's how they added it to NM17:33
dl9pfsmurray: could be, true. something to ask the guys17:34
smurraydl9pf: e.g.
smurraydl9pf: kind of seems like a classic case of people developing stuff on a desktop machine and plopping it in17:35
dl9pfyep, no most or can though ... so should be brought-up but likely after CES17:35
smurraydl9pf: yep, I'm just paranoid about wifi/bt getting broken by this stuff, and having to hack on it next week17:36
dl9pfsmurray: i don't think so. that is likely targeted only on most/can17:36
dl9pfnot general network (eth/wifi/bt)#17:37
smurraydl9pf: it's NetworkManager, though ;)17:38
smurraydl9pf: I'm going to cross my fingers17:39
dl9pfno, it is not networkmanager, they just call it so ... the app is called unicens17:41
dl9pfshould end up there
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smurraydl9pf: ah, okay17:42
jbocklage123dl9pf: Jenkins build jobs have strange errors...18:08
dl9pfyes, on it.  one is the tar bug, one is a network/fetcher issue ... retriggered18:09
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jeremiahCTtpollard: Sorry for missing your question. Yes, there was a GDP call today.18:20
jeremiahWe mainly went through some Epics and talked about ipk vs. rpm18:20
jeremiahI'll skip the details but it looks like we're moving ipk18:21
jeremiahDiscussion on the benefits and drawbacks was good on the two I think but always good to hear more on why ipk vs. rpm from a developers point of view18:22
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NathanI_sorry guys, another build error. I'm trying to solve these on my own, but since I'm still pretty new it's hard to decipher the cause. AGL Blowfish 2.0.4, gcc_runtime,
NathanI_log was too huge for pastbin18:51
NathanI_I tried switching to latest blowfish and even master, but I get the same error on all 318:53
NathanI_i know this is more a yocto thing. I've compiled Jethro before for a different target.18:55
NathanI_i guess i should also say that my target machine is raspberrypi318:56
NathanI_but perhaps i should ask over on the yocto channel.19:12
smurrayNathanI_: I took a look, not seen that before. What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:33
NathanI_since the rust workaround seems to pertain to gcc, i removed the workaround, recompiling now.19:36
NathanI_horay! it compiled19:37
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NathanI_i applied the workaround pretty early in the build thinking it might solve another error. It seems it should not be applied until later on if at all.19:40
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NathanI_aggg, so after removing the workaround, i ran into the ELG error, and indeed adding the workaround solved this, but then I got the gcc-runtime error again20:44
NathanI_so it seems i do have a problem. One of which needs solving. See above for the gcc-runtime error. Here's my build config:
smurraydoes it build if you start from scratch with no extra patches applied?20:47
NathanI_here's the pastebin from the qtbase error:
NathanI_I've not make any modifications yet. I'm just trying to compile blowfish and demo it on the rasberrypi3 before I dive in20:49
NathanI_Following the instructions here:
smurrayhmm, I've not tried building blowfish recently20:50
NathanI_except that I've used default_blowfish_2.0.4.xml instead of 2.0.3, since 2.0.3 seems to have issues20:50
NathanI_what can i build? I'll build anything, I thought the stable branch would be best, should i jump to master?20:51
smurraymaster's likely not a good choice just atm, lots of churn going on with the demo apps to adapt them to the new framework20:55
smurraylikely will be okay in a day or two20:55
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furyif I'm going to start developing a custom build of AGL for some specific hardware that has a few things that won't come on the stock board, and I need to add, for instance, a kernel config or driver that doesn't exist normally in the main tree, where would I put that so that it doesn't affect AGL's source and I can continue receiving updates / contributing21:12
furypatches for that? I guess I'd be making a new git repo for my changes or something, just not sure where to locate it in the hierarchy21:12
furye.g. I'd be adding a recipe to patch the kernel's USB core, add a driver, config it in, and my app would then make use of that driver21:14
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dl9pfNathanI_: rpi is not supported on blowfish, use master21:46
NathanI_Perfect, thanks21:46
dl9pfNathanI_: but as smurray said, right now we broke things a little (UI side)21:46
smurrayah right, I keep forgetting that21:47
smurraywrt rpi and blowfish, I mean21:47
dl9pfso if you want to see a nice UI and such,  go with blowfish and build e.g. the minnowboard (intel cpu) target21:47
dl9pfuse IMAGE_FSTYPES += "vmdk" and run the vmdk file in virtualbox21:48
NathanI_I see, didn't know you could do that.21:48
dl9pfNathanI_: master should be fine again by end of week21:48
dl9pfNathanI_: do you have a rpi at hand ?21:49
NathanI_Yes, rpi321:49
NathanI_no minnowboard, but I can wait a few days.21:49
dl9pfyou could try this one:
dl9pfdd to sdcard ...21:50
NathanI_My real target hardware is this:
NathanI_But that's a project for next week. They have yocto bsp and support krogoth, so hopefully it won't be too difficult.21:52
dl9pfwhen graphic env is up, start terminal (icon top left), then  cd /usr/AGL/CES2016/ and find the qmlscene cmdline in the wiki ...21:52
dl9pfNathanI_: we have already meta-fsl-arm pulled-in. There are templates for sabre and wandboard, so you have at least 2 blueprints (check meta-agl/templates/machines/*)21:53
dl9pfshould not be too hard then.21:53
NathanI_dl9pf: thanks!21:55
dl9pfNathanI_: this one should work under vbox:
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dl9pfsmurray: the qml file conflikt is likely a UI hack ... we can remove those files but the buttons will look different ...22:38
smurraydl9pf: I had thought the story was everyone should be getting that from the new qtquickcontrols package?22:39
dl9pfheh ... it seems those file exist already and were modified for our demo22:40
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