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leon-anavi | morning | 07:36 |
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jbocklage123 | mornign | 09:00 |
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leon-anavi | hi jbocklage123 | 09:09 |
jbocklage123 | hi | 09:09 |
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zeenix | hmm.. can't get any output on monitor from Minnowboard (one I've not fried) | 09:34 |
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zeenix | nm, erbo helped me out | 09:42 |
zeenix | for some reason the boot order on bios was incorrect | 09:42 |
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leon-anavi | jbocklage123, could you please have a look AGL change 7331? I added some minor modifications to weston.ini for raspberry pi 2/3. | 09:46 |
jbocklage123 | I did, but I'm a little confused about the whole CES topic... Do we (AGL) have a strategy on how to build the different demos? And who will care about setup differences of these demos? | 09:49 |
jbocklage123 | Will there be branches for the different demos? | 09:49 |
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jbocklage123 | The same for 7315... For CES, we need an auto satrt of the HomeScreen. But other demos have their own HomeScreen, for example... How to handle this? | 09:50 |
leon-anavi | jbocklage123, for the moment and as far as I know we have 2 demos: | 09:50 |
leon-anavi | - image with CES demos | 09:51 |
leon-anavi | - image with openivi-html5 demos | 09:51 |
leon-anavi | both can be built from the master branch | 09:51 |
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jbocklage123 | then we have a conflict for the startup, right? https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-334 | 09:51 |
leon-anavi | let me have a look | 09:52 |
leon-anavi | at this JIRA issue | 09:52 |
jbocklage123 | sure | 09:53 |
leon-anavi | do all graphic applications will need WindowManager to run? | 09:53 |
jbocklage123 | maybe a stupid question here. How to build the "core" CES demo? My thought: repo init...; repo sync; source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -m porter -b build-porter agl-demo agl-appfw-smack agl-devel; bitbake agl-demo-platform | 09:55 |
leon-anavi | yes | 09:56 |
jbocklage123 | hm.... depends... If it is a demo that only creates one surface, they can calll layer-add-surface 100 10; If a managing of surfaces is needed, WindowManager is needed | 09:56 |
leon-anavi | ok | 09:56 |
jbocklage123 | And how to build the open-ivi-html5 demo? | 09:56 |
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leon-anavi | run bitbake agl-demo-platform-html5 | 09:56 |
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jbocklage123 | ah! ok. I have to check that recipe | 09:57 |
leon-anavi | agl-demo-platform-html5 - image without CES apps and with openivi-html5 | 09:57 |
leon-anavi | agl-demo-platform - default image with CES demo apps and without openivi-html5 | 09:57 |
leon-anavi | as a first step could please have a look at my patch for weston.ini for rpi2/3? It is not related to openivi-html5. It just makes sure that the existing start_ALS2016_ivi-shell.sh will work out of the box. | 09:58 |
leon-anavi | jbocklage123, https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/#/c/7331/ | 09:58 |
leon-anavi | thanks :) | 10:00 |
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RzR | <zeenix> hmm.. can't get any output on monitor from Minnowboard (one I've not fried) | 15:23 |
RzR | zeenix, hdmi output ? | 15:23 |
RzR | zeenix, I didnt on pi2 last week | 15:23 |
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zeenix | RzR: | 15:51 |
zeenix | <zeenix> nm, erbo helped me out | 15:51 |
zeenix | <zeenix> for some reason the boot order on bios was incorrect | 15:51 |
zeenix | RzR: but thanks :) | 15:51 |
RzR | you're welcome, maybe I'll report a bug about hmdi w/ pi | 15:53 |
CTtpollard | if you run mkefdisk script explicitly in bash it should create an SD card which boots without the need to enter the UEFI | 15:54 |
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fury | leon-anavi: so that build problem i was having yesterday disappeared when i did a repo sync this morning. O_o dunno | 16:37 |
leon-anavi | good news :) | 16:37 |
fury | yeah. it was a weird, different one, it was not locating curl/curl.h so i'm like, why | 16:43 |
fury | and i installed libcurl4-gnutls-dev to my machine (which i did not have to do before) and it had some other problem | 16:43 |
fury | so i uninstalled it and was gonna check it again | 16:43 |
fury | and this morning magically worked | 16:43 |
fury | guess one of the changes that got merged between yesterday and now fixed it or something | 16:44 |
fury | probably this one: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/#/c/7337/ | 16:44 |
fury | makes sense that if it depended on curl but curl did not get unpacked yet, it would fail to find curl :) | 16:45 |
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murphy | its ##linux leaking into #debaties2016? | 17:15 |
murphy | :-p | 17:15 |
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jsanche1 | Hi all! First time on this channel - I was curious if anyone has had luck with running appman (Qt Automotive) in multiprocess mode. I'm having trouble on several different systems and platforms as well as with our project and the neptune-ui. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks! | 20:26 |
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murphy | TX1 carrier board with CAN bus http://www.auvidea.eu/index.php/2016-08-06-11-12-04/2016-02-03-12-30-02/j130-carrier-board-for-the-jetson-tx1-with-4k-video-input# | 23:40 |
murphy | sweet | 23:40 |
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