IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2016-09-30

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jbocklagedoes anyone know when the ivi-shell support will be back in qtwayland backend?07:45
jbocklageit was disabled when shwitching to krogoth:;a=commit;h=c893ae9b7e61a833899b181e0017ee2cfab8b97e07:47
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CTtpollardjbocklage123: GDP supports qtwayland ivi shell in Krogoth, AGL probably just needs time to test it08:49
jbocklage123that sounds "promising"08:50
CTtpollardwith qt 5.6 weston 1.1108:54
jbocklage123so we may have to switch from weston 1.9 to 1.11? Qt 5.6 is already present in AGL.08:57
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RzRCTtpollard, just curious has xdg-shell maintained after me ?13:13
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danielahn Hello. I'm a student under the Master Kyung Hee University in South Korea. I'm majoring in mobile networks. I'm interested and want to participate in AGL project. I did not find the overall structure. Where can I find it? Also,are there some projects that i can participate in?15:49
leon-anavihi danielahn15:50
leon-anavihave a look here for general overview:
leon-anavicheck this link to get the source code and build AGL:
danielahnoh thank you!!15:52
leon-anaviI recommend you to subscribe to AGL mailing list and to start following the technical discussions15:52
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leon-anaviyou may even introduce yourself there and ask about subprojects in AGL where you can get involved15:52
leon-anavipeople all around the world work on the project so it is hard to find them at the same time in irc :)15:53
leon-anaviThere are all in the mailing list :)15:53
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danielahnReally thank you! i will try that now :):):):)15:54
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leon-anaviyou are welcome :)15:54
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