IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2016-08-26

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toscalixjeremiah no discussion about spins or variants in the GDP call08:07
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JakubinHello, is there anyone that could help me with Node State Manager? i'm having trouble building it.08:33
rjekI probably can't help, but if anyone can they'll want to know what the problem is: what error or issue are you seeing?08:37
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radiofreemaybe jonathanmaw can help08:48
radiofreei think he's the maintainer?08:48
radiofreeor is that node startup controller08:48
jonathanmawI maintain the node-startup-controller08:48
* jonathanmaw checks the logs for the question08:49
rjekThere hasn't been one yet08:49
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jonathanmawlooking at the source code and the baserock definitions, the node state manager appears to be a well-behaved autotools project.08:50
jonathanmawJakubin: what's the specific problem you're having?08:51
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toscalixCTtpollard: and rajm are very busy creating the final builds to declare gold master on Tuesday since Monday is bank holiday in Uk so I assume today and Tuesday we will provide less support than usual. Thanks rjek radiofree and jonathanmaw for stepping in08:59
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toscalixah, it seems chbae provided a patch for fixing bluetooth for RPi3 GDP Master, Cool09:22
toscalixrajm: maybe nicolas, the reporter, can test the patch for us before merging09:35
rajmtoscalix that would be good!09:36
toscalixit would be a matter of telling him through the ticket09:36
rajmok, I'll update it?09:36
rajmthough as he's a watcher I assume he'll see it09:37
toscalixah, the comment is there09:39
toscalixI have a notification in my inbox09:39
toscalixsent him a notification for review. If he does it today, we can include it in the RC1 release, right?09:41
rajmDoes chbae need to do the build and test?09:43
toscalixhe did, but he cannot be a committer and a reviewer09:45
toscalixand you do not have a RPi3 with you right?09:46
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CTtpollardgunnarx: can the go templates use sudo for bash?10:47
gunnarxno way, not on my server ;)10:50
gunnarxgo user does not have sudo access AFAIK - what do you need it for?10:51
CTtpollardbah, tricky then10:51
gunnarxyeah that's why build systems have pseudo roots and so on...10:52
CTtpollardto convert the minnowboard image into a dd'able format10:52
gunnarxah, I see.  you need to mount an image as filesystem or something?10:52
CTtpollardWe've usually created a blank a blank .sdimg and ran the .hddimg against it using the poky script to populate it10:53
gunnarxthere are some stuff like that... also any setting of security related things, extended attributes and the like.   Maybe the AGL/smack proponents have some methods tos hare10:54
gunnarxYocto does a bunch with "pseudo" for the image creation, setting permissions... basically the stuff that would traditionally need root.11:10
radiofreethought they used fakeroot for that/11:44
radiofreeah, it's their replacement11:44
* radiofree reads11:44
Jakubin_Is still a valid way of testing Node State Manager?11:49
Jakubin_In case someone isn't on the mailing list, i've pasted the mai lto pastebin
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