IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2016-07-05

jeremiah_Hello good automotive types00:23
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jeremiahSorry about git repo fetching issues, hopefully I didn't throw your work week into chaos with Yocto do_fetch errors00:24
jeremiahThings should be back to normal00:24
jeremiahPlease let me know if that is not the case.00:24
jeremiahI'm gonna hang around her until Asia wakes up just to make sure everything is copacetic00:25
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chbaeHi jeremiah06:49
c0rneljeremiah, everything looks fine now, thank you06:51
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kbroulikrajm: hi, toscalix told me, you could help me get started with the genivi qemu demo image. I want to evaluate to get KDE Plasma running on that thing but I'm such a noob, I cannot even get it to connect to the network :/ I tried creating a bridge with NM and dug through tons of wiki pages on qemu but alas, I failed08:12
rajmHi kbroulik you're trying to get a build of the demo (you haven't added kde yet) to connect via ethernet to your net?08:16
kbroulikrajm: yeah, I just want to start the qemu demo thing (which I managed to do) to conenct to the network/internet08:16
kbroulikI tried some -net nic -net bridge,br=br0 and created a bridge in NM but somehow NM (at least kde plasma nm UI) cannot bridge to an existing connection or so08:17
rajmI've not tried networking from a qemu image myself is any help or have you already seen that? Bit lower level than the NM08:21
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rajmkbroulik: Have tyou created a /etc/qemu/bridge.conf on the host?
kbroulikrajm: yeah I did allow br0 but the problem is probably creating the bridge in the first place08:29
kbroulikthx, I'll check your linux kvm networking page08:29
rajmok let me know how it goes!08:30
rdalei'm impressed if you've built plasma in a qemu image08:30
bshahis qemu image armhf btw?08:31
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kbroulikrdale: I setup the qemu-ifup thing but + ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap user broulik08:38
kbroulikioctl(TUNSETIFF): Device or resource busy ;(08:38
rdalei've never managed to get kvm/qemu working with bridged mode - i normally just have '-net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:22' which allows networking to the outside and an ssh connection to the vm08:39
kbroulikrdale: awesome!08:41
kbrouliknow I have internetz08:41
rajmexcellent! thanks rdale!08:43
rdalenp - how did you build plasma then - i started looking at bit bake but it seemed a bit frightening?08:44
kbroulikI did not yet *g* I'm just getting started :/08:46
kbroulikcan I use my existing QtCreator to do cross compilation stuff? ie. separate Kit and what not, or do I need the special packaged one you provide?08:48
rdalewe would need to cross compile with cmake for kde - can qt creator be set up to do that?08:51
kbrouliknever tried. its cmake support is basic at best08:52
rdaleyes - i use kdevelop with cmake projects. i think we would have to use the same genivi cross compiling tool chain08:53
kbroulikI use qmake in my company, so I just stick with QtCreator for everything :)08:54
rdalei found this page:
rdalewhich has all the dependencies for plasma08:58
rdalethen i looked at the bit bake build for qt5, and got scared!08:58
gunnarxwhat scared you, rdale?08:58
rdaleit looked like a lot of work08:58
gunnarxtyping bitbake?  ;)08:59
rdaleto build something as large as kde08:59
gunnarxa lot of work for the cpu and disk, that's for sure...08:59
rdaleyes, and the build scripts08:59
gunnarxare you building kde in yocto?  now that's impressive08:59
rdalebut bitbake qt5 had some cmake stuff08:59
gunnarxbetter that than qmake ;)09:00
rdalewell we haven't started - we're just trying to find out what is involved09:00
gunnarxis plasma written a lot in QML or mostly C++?09:01
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rjekFrom KDE's huge resource usage, you'd imagine QML :D09:01
rdalethe kde frameworks and most of plasma are written in c++, and so most of the work is getting the cmake cross compile stuff to run09:02
rdalerjek: there is a plasma mobile project i believe amazingly enough09:02
gunnarxrjek, QML is mostly juggling a bunch of C++ objects ultimately - I don't think it adds much resource usage that isn't inherent in the task09:02
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gunnarx(but I have no data to support that)09:02
rjekgunnarx: My experience has different, but the experience is limited.09:02
rjekrdale: I imagine only for mid- or top-tier phones?  They have a lot of GPU and RAM these days09:03
kbroulikrjek: pff huge resource usage...09:03
rdalewell i think it would run in a car ivi system09:03
gunnarxI'm sure it would09:03
kbroulikplasma can run on a Nexus 5 just fine09:03
gunnarxGreat, then we'll get there in a few years in the car industry. ;)09:04
gunnarxJust kidding!09:04
gunnarxWe have pretty powerful hardware, that's not an issue IMO09:04
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gunnarxit's all about the software09:04
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kbroulikalso, integrating kwin to run on genivi might be a challenge. but then, we only have a fullscreen surface (I suppose), so weston should™ work with that as well09:06
rdaledoes the plasma mobile project use wayland or is it x?09:07
bshahwith libhybris09:07
rdaleright so we wouldn't need libhybris, but whatever they did with wayland should be similar09:08
kbroulikyou really dont want to run X on a phone *g* nokia did that and it was horrible :)09:08
kbroulikI mean, weston is already running there, so I suppose the driver stuff should already work?09:08
rdalewell not compared with what they replaced it with09:08
kbroulikWindows Phone? :D09:08
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rdalejust found this blog about why kwin doesn't use weston:
kbroulikyeah I pity Martin. Whenever he implements something on Wayland it turns out Qt does it wrong and crashes/freezes/doesstupidthings09:11
kbroulikdrag and drop? let's freeze the app! keyboard input? let's break modifiers! etc etc09:12
rdalewe can worry about that if we ever get plasma built perhaps - i'm not a graphics expert but i get the impression that plasma would run with a non kwin wayland compositor09:15
Tarnykordale: interesting, thanks. Tbf, libweston is only being brought to release state lately, so maybe he could benefit from it - but he'd need to contribute then09:29
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kbroulikrdale: theoretically it should, Qt has wayland support. What we need kwin (or rather proprietary wayland protocols currently only kwin supports) for is positioning popups, tooltips and panels on screen (windows on wayland cannot position themselves, nor do they know where they are) and some other gimmics09:50
kbrouliknone of which should be much of an issue on genivi09:50
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fredcadetea popup/noitification protocol would be useful in IVI even if it is not positionable by the application09:53
rdalekbroulik: thanks for the info - sounds encouraging09:56
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dl9pf1kooltux: ping11:23
dl9pf1kooltux__: ping11:25
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jeremiahFrom what I understand Qt wants to rid itself of X and Wayland entirely.13:18
rjekjeremiah: They're dropping targeting UNIX desktops?13:23
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rdaleQt use platform dependent plugins to handle differences between X and Wayland but as far as I know they have no plans to drop doing that14:00
radiofreethis qt automotive stuff ditches weston, however it's still a wayland compositor right?14:03
gunnarxradiofree, as far as I know, yes.  I can't imagine much advantage in creating yet a new protocol between app and display server.14:05
leon-anaviradiofree, gunnarx according to Qt blog post their automotive suite provides Wayland support with Qt Wayland Compositor:
gunnarxweston is typically replaced by a Qt based wayland compositor14:07
leon-anaviaccording to the same article Qt Wayland Compositor is based on Qt 5.7... this might lead to a license issues with GPLv314:08
gunnarxradiofree, sorry for repeating what you already said :)14:13
jbocklageis it possible to create my own jenkins build job on the AGL build server?14:17
gunnarxjbocklage, you can use otherwise :)14:36
jbocklagenice! thx!14:36
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gunnarxIt's open for all.  We're suffering from a bit low capacity which should be fixed soon I hope.14:37
gunnarxUntil then it might depend how big the builds are... :)14:38
* jbocklage is diggin' my mails for my genivi account ;)14:39
gunnarxYes, it's all documented.  Follow the link on the login page.14:41
jbocklagesent my pub key as IRC query...14:46
gunnarxyup, I saw it now14:46
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chbaeHi jeremiah14:56
chbaeHi toscalix14:56
toscalixchbae: hi14:56
toscalixgit is up14:56
chbaeyes. I see14:56
toscalixrajm: will contact you about the PR he sent for Faytech monitor14:57
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chbaeyes he requested PR in wrong location ( )14:59
chbaebut I gave some comment in there.14:59
chbaetoscalix: for GDP (only for meta-genivi-dev), we need to create two more repo in github.15:00
chbaeCan I? or Should I wait until those repo are created in github.15:01
chbaealso wayland-ivi-extension repo is created in github but git tags are not existed in the github repo.15:03
rajmchbae: I've pm'ed you with some issues relating to that PR15:03
chbaeHi rajm15:04
chbaeplease request PR to :)15:04
rajmok, can you see the PM dialog?15:05
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chbaerajm: sorry what is PM diaglog?15:06
rajmI've opened a dialog window  (at least in XChat)15:09
rajmand added a comment to the original PR asking whether to merge my change into 0002 or replace 0002 and 0003 with a new patch15:11
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chbaerajm: yes. I added my comment15:16
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rajmanother reason I wanted 2 files was because of the prolog 2 the 002 patch (not ready for upstream) or should that apply equally to the new one or does that fact that its in the repos mean we don't care?15:24
gunnarxFor using repo on I'd suggest just downloading it using curl (as google suggests) and then calling it from the build script15:24
gunnarx^^ because I got a question if repo was available15:25
gunnarxHowever, I would assume you'd still want to define relevant git materials, so that builds are triggered whenever something new appears on those git repositories...  How to use repo to track updates on repositories I'm not sure.15:26
gunnarxI suppose tracking the repo that has the manifest is equivalent to tracking the parent project with git-submodules as we do for GDP.15:26
gunnarxWe like submodules in GENIVI :)  Well some of us do... :)15:26
chbaerajm: if we created new patch, it’s hard to manage it. So I suggest it uses only a patch.15:32
chbaeramjm: one issue is fine to use a patch. that’s my opinion.15:33
rajmI'm not clear what you mean are you saying the original patch and my one are really one issue?15:33
chbaerajm: that’s to fix faytech monitor issue.15:34
chbaerajm: So it’s one issue in my view.15:34
rajmok I will adjust my commit appropriately and then push15:35
chbaerajm: thanks15:35
rajmchbae: prob be tomorrow now... good night!15:36
chbaerajm: ok.15:36
gunnarxrajm, when chbae works later than you something is wrong, considering time zones ;-)15:39
gunnarxright?  or am I misinformed...15:40
rajmprob so! my excuse is that I don't work from home!15:41
toscalixrajm: I think that gunnarx was more thinking about chbae :-)15:42
toscalixwhich seem to be a vampire15:42
gunnarxstay away from the light, chbae15:43
chbaeI’m fine. This is my GENIVI enjoyment time :)15:43
chbaegunnarx: thanks for your consideration15:44
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chbaeI can’t work officialy at my office. So now(every night) I can follow up the genivi.15:46
toscalixyou must be doing a really key work at your company....15:48
toscalixmeanwhile.... it seems that Faytech monitors should not be an issue any longer15:48
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chbaetoscalix: :)15:54
toscalix...until the next update, obviosuly15:54
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chbaetoscalix: if you have any extra time, please check my jira access to add watcher. That’s not urgent issue.16:13
toscalixI did three or four days ago when adding some links to GDP project in JIRA16:14
toscalixI have a few min. now....16:14
toscalixthe only option seems to be through a free plugin16:18
toscalixcalled autowatch16:18
toscalixor another one called Watcher Custom Field16:20
toscalixThat is the result of my searching16:20
toscalixUPS SORRY16:21
chbaetoscalix: ok.16:24
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