IRC logs for #automotive for Sunday, 2016-06-26

*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive00:40
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*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC02:01
*** nuohan has quit IRC02:13
*** nuohan has joined #automotive02:15
*** R3R_Home has joined #automotive02:59
R3R_HomeHello anyone here can help me out on a name of this paticular part. cannot find it anywher02:59
R3R_Homethis is a picture i found the part i am looking for is the part thats attached to the radiator hose by the two screws right above the red arrow03:01
R3R_Homeif anyone can help that would be great03:01
*** R3R_Home has quit IRC03:59
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive06:21
*** marshel has joined #automotive06:53
*** ToxicGumbo-work1 has joined #automotive10:43
*** ToxicGumbo-work has quit IRC10:45
*** RzR has quit IRC10:57
*** RzR has joined #automotive10:57
marshelI am trying to run agl-demo11:06
marshelin qemu11:06
marsheli am following the instructions in meta-agl-demo/README11:06
marshelI was able to launch in gemu successfully11:08
marshelbut i get only the initial screen11:08
marshelis there anything else to be done11:09
marshelafter u launch to see the apps ?11:09
*** marshel has quit IRC11:30
*** nuohan has quit IRC15:22
*** nuohan has joined #automotive15:22
*** marshel has joined #automotive15:23
*** marshel has quit IRC16:44
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive19:17
*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC19:39
*** gunnarx has joined #automotive20:06
*** praneeth has quit IRC23:40
*** praneeth has joined #automotive23:40

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