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leon-anavi | morning | 07:08 |
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jbocklage | hi | 09:26 |
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CTtpollard | fredcadete: trying to switch meta-genivi to the qtwayland cherrypick patch you reminded me about on friday | 12:44 |
fredcadete | you mean, meta-qt5 jethro with that cherry-pick on top, right? | 12:45 |
CTtpollard | yes | 12:45 |
CTtpollard | currently dropping some conflicting patches carried in meta-genivi (horribleness) | 12:46 |
CTtpollard | however, getting a .gitignore conflict on a clean apply of the cherrypicked commit | 12:46 |
fredcadete | oh indeed | 12:46 |
fredcadete | I believe the tricky things with libinput and weston for the touch input can be dropped | 12:46 |
fredcadete | with weston 1.9 and qt 5.5 the touch_frame event stuff is fixed | 12:47 |
CTtpollard | yes I believe so | 12:47 |
fredcadete | let me double check that gitignore conflict | 12:54 |
fredcadete | CTtpollard: my reports of "straight cherry-pick" were exaggerated | 12:56 |
fredcadete | I have at least dropped the gitignore change | 12:56 |
fredcadete | ok, that's the only change I made to the patch | 12:57 |
CTtpollard | that's what I've done from now, just ripped that diff out | 13:03 |
CTtpollard | ok ,more more to rework / drop | 13:25 |
CTtpollard | the 'Implement Initial' patch we carried had a diff for qwaylandwindow.cpp and the cherrypicked commit does not, this leads to a later patch we carry failing | 13:29 |
CTtpollard | which was this https://github.com/GENIVI/meta-genivi-dev/blob/master/meta-genivi-dev/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwayland/0002-qwaylandwindow-add-support-for-IVI-Surface-ID-proper.patch | 13:29 |
CTtpollard | sorry, the 'Implement Initial' patch currently in gdp https://github.com/GENIVI/meta-genivi-dev/blob/master/meta-genivi-dev/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwayland/0021-Implement-initial-IVI-Shell-support.patch | 13:33 |
fredcadete | rework / drop will really depend on where that property is being used | 13:36 |
* CTtpollard reverts brain 6 months | 13:39 | |
CTtpollard | looks like AGL also carry the changes to waylandwindow in their ivi initial patch | 13:55 |
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CTtpollard | which was originally added in a patch for xdg shell | 14:12 |
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CTtpollard | by none other than RzR ! | 14:12 |
CTtpollard | I'll squash both changes into one | 14:18 |
RzR | CTtpollard, hi | 14:20 |
RzR | CTtpollard, about ivi or xdg shell ? | 14:20 |
RzR | afaik ivi shell is not xdg compliant is it ? | 14:21 |
CTtpollard | RzR: the patches to qwayland window for xdg shell were modified to add ivi shell support also | 14:22 |
CTtpollard | in a messy series | 14:22 |
RzR | I only worked for xdg one | 14:23 |
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CTtpollard | most of the series in meta-genivi is to create and modify packaging/qt5-qtwayland.spec | 15:21 |
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fredcadete | could anyone from AGL give me a hand for a minute? | 15:31 |
fredcadete | I am trying to set up a new machine and I'm having issues with understanding which set of layers should go into bblayers.conf | 15:31 |
jbocklage | what do you want to build? The "generic" AGL image? | 15:32 |
fredcadete | jbocklage: that would be a good start | 15:32 |
jbocklage | you should follow these instructions: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=AGL/meta-agl-demo.git;a=blob;f=README.md;h=dd08bc21dc809bb2276c1546b117a7188a3ec4e3;hb=HEAD | 15:33 |
jbocklage | there you can decide e-g- the platform you want to build for. If you have no HW available, you should go for QEMU | 15:34 |
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CTtpollard | RzR: do you know why qwaylandxdgsurface_p.h & .cpp for example were upstreamed to qtwayland, but not your changes to allow minimize to qwaylandwindow for xdg from here? https://github.com/GENIVI/meta-genivi-dev/blob/master/meta-genivi-dev/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwayland/0017-xdg-shell-Add-minimize-feature-to-QWindow-using-wayl.patch | 15:42 |
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fredcadete | jbocklage: thanks, I do that and everything goes OK for porter | 15:52 |
jbocklage | yeah! | 15:52 |
fredcadete | thenI try to setup my machine and I get an error in efl, which should be unrelated | 15:52 |
fredcadete | https://gist.github.com/fredcadete/7fd42f8e2b23e66d71665de731d9060a | 15:53 |
fredcadete | has anyone had this issue before? | 15:53 |
CTtpollard | RzR: infact, every diff in that patch seems to be upstream qt now except the changes to qwaylandwindow.cpp | 15:54 |
RzR | CTtpollard, all my works were upstreamed into qt | 15:58 |
RzR | CTtpollard, IIRC | 15:58 |
RzR | CTtpollard, Origin: https://www.qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtwayland/commit/768484daaa64bea965bef981a16f59be8db0c190 | 15:58 |
CTtpollard | RzR: it's not in here, although it's in the patch I previously linked https://github.com/qtproject/qtwayland/blob/5.5/src/client/qwaylandwindow.cpp | 15:59 |
RzR | If you updated qt it should be in | 15:59 |
CTtpollard | however every other chunk from that patch is | 16:00 |
RzR | 5.6 has it | 16:01 |
RzR | https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-47327 | 16:01 |
RzR | but I did not maintain it to later version of wayland | 16:01 |
RzR | are you using xdg shell ? | 16:01 |
RzR | you = genivi | 16:01 |
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CTtpollard | not directly, but the patch series I'm trying to decipher/condense does | 16:02 |
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RzR | so rather skip it and rebase on upstream | 16:03 |
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CTtpollard | RzR: that's what I'm aiming to do (although limited to 5.5.1) | 16:04 |
RzR | ah in that case backport could be an option | 16:05 |
RzR | I think 5.5 was there | 16:06 |
CTtpollard | the ivi shell patches from 5.7 backport to 5.5, but there are some patches carried in meta-genivi-dev for ivi shell that were not in the 5.7 commit | 16:06 |
CTtpollard | one of those is the minimize feature in qwaylanddisplay | 16:07 |
CTtpollard | which was built on top of that patch I linked to you | 16:08 |
RzR | maybe you can also check what is in Tizen:IVI | 16:09 |
RzR | too | 16:09 |
CTtpollard | RzR: I will, this is always meta-genivi's biggest issue when updating qt versions | 16:11 |
CTtpollard | hopefully one day in the magical future of 5.7 all the pain will be gone | 16:11 |
RzR | btw I am about to propose a new layer as my last attempts was just closed | 16:11 |
RzR | https://github.com/GENIVI/genivi-dev-platform/pull/8 | 16:12 |
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CTtpollard | cool! | 16:13 |
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toscalix_ | cool | 16:17 |
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