IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2016-05-20

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VardenWhat does it mean if my engine revs up and down repeatedly when I first start it on most days, but not on rainy or humid days? dirty throttle body?03:14
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toscalixis it me or github is down?07:51
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leon-anaviit seems to be working on my side07:55
toscalixnot here07:55
toscalixping works, not the site07:57
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toscalixthey have problems07:58
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CTtpollardnoooo! :(08:07
CTtpollardseems ok now08:08
toscalixit is ok now08:08
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leon-anavihi yannick__08:27
yannick__leon-anavi: hi08:27
leon-anaviyannick__, my travel plans for AGL F2F are to arrive on Tuesday late afternoon in Vannes. I will be present during the there days so Wednesday and Thursday is ok for me.08:29
yannick__leon-anavi, ok great. i'll arrive around 9h30 on Tuesday, if there is no strike on the road ;)08:31
leon-anaviI hope that there will be no (major) strikes with the trains :)08:31
leon-anaviI am flying to Paris and after that I will rely on TGV.08:32
yannick__finger crossed :) ususally on tgv, there is still a quite good rate of trains that are still running, but surprises may happen these days08:34
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leon-anaviactually, the most important train for me is the one on 30 Monday to the airport. I hope there will be no tgv strikes on that day.08:50
yannick__do you take your train in montparnasse or in CDG ?08:51
leon-anavion my way to Vannes I will take a train from Montparnasse. On my way back I will be traveling from Rennes directly to CDG.08:58
CTtpollarddoes anyone know of the differences between A2-A4 revision Minnowboard MAX?08:59
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leon-anaviCTtpollard, if I were you, I would have asked John 'Warthog9' Hawley :)09:03
CTtpollardleon-anavi: ty, I'm looking to buy another one, but can only find A4, where as the one I have is A2, I'm sure the revision is only minor09:04
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CTtpollardleon-anavi: rvi_core working on qemu :)09:11
toscalixbrought back the wiki page for GDP-ivi7 port to koelsch. It got lost in the migration09:13
toscalixjonathanmaw: the problem that Art describes in the dev ML is something we have seen before, right?09:22
jonathanmawtoscalix: weston starting with a black screen?09:22
* CTtpollard wishes for people to stop using dev list for GDP09:23
CTtpollardor for genivi to make it open :)09:23
toscalixI answered in project :-)09:23
jonathanmawI've seen it happen when something's gone wrong with the ivi-controller, though the exact cause of that varies09:23
toscalixshould we add, as he suggests something that hints users that the system has booted?09:24
jonathanmawtoscalix: I think it'd be valuable. I haven't looked closely enough to guess at how to do it, though.09:25
jonathanmawit might be as simple as specifying a picture or colour for the background in weston.ini09:26
toscalixI will open a ticket and we add it to the backlog09:28
CTtpollardwe know what the issue is09:28
CTtpollardit is documented09:28
toscalixah, where.... known issues?09:28
toscalixGDP-110 or GDP-149 ?09:29
CTtpollardit is the problem with ivi shell and peripherals on the raspi09:29
toscalixah, GDP-14909:29
CTtpollardwell it would seem that way, if desktop shell is working09:30
CTtpollardI'm wishfully thinking that the incoming update to meta-raspberrypi + kernel will somehow remedy that09:35
toscalixah, the magic of updates09:36
leon-anaviCTtpollard, rvi_core nice :) so the merge of meta-rvi and meta-erlang depends only on the decision of the yocto layer strategy, right?10:01
CTtpollardleon-anavi: I think so10:15
leon-anaviI will keep my fingers crossed for that decision10:15
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toscalixleon-anavi: you will be involved. Everything is in the open so.... fight for your ideas :-)10:25
CTtpollardgrrr svn10:32
leon-anavitoscalix, yes, I believe that having a more components and diversity in the distro is better for the whole community.10:40
toscalixagree. The only limitation we have so far is the man power for reviewing, At this pace, we will have to organise the team to adapt to the demand sooner than later, which is a good sign.10:44
CTtpollarddo svn based recipes create a svn checkout in the work dir as git based recipes have a '/git' for src?10:47
leon-anavithis one has been already reviewed by Tom. Of course I also checked it and I even created a wiki article for it:
leon-anaviFurther more RVI is made for vehicles anyway :)10:49
toscalixleon-anavi: question, why is it pending from rvi sota client?10:51
leon-anavitoscalix, it is not10:51
leon-anavirvi sota client is integrated in meta-genivi-dev and it depends on meta-rust10:51
toscalixin the wiki tree... it is :-)10:52
toscalixthe article I meant10:52
leon-anavimeta-rvi bring RVI Core (middleware) and depends on meta-erlang10:52
leon-anavihm... is it? let me have a look10:52
leon-anavitoscalix, fixed! Thanks for pointing me this wiki issue.10:53
CTtpollardI'm going to send a pull request to add tools-debug to the gdp image by default11:25
pedroalvarezthat makes sense for a "development" platform11:45
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toscalixjonathanmaw: since we released Minnow having the repo on GitHub, is this task done?
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toscalixor should I move it to the next release?13:04
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CTtpollardchbae: hi :)14:49
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waltminertrain reservations for Vannes - Check15:09
waltminerCar to airport on Monday - check15:10
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Tarnyko1waltminer: good :)15:36
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