IRC logs for #automotive for Saturday, 2016-03-26

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sanjeev_hello, does anyone have info about memory requirements for AGL ?01:21
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obdiii just need to know how to modify the version.inc02:17
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obdiihey everyone16:20
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obdii_hey jlrmagnus17:33
obdii_you there?17:33
obdii_need a little advice with magdens m117:34
jlrmagnusWhat's up? I replied to your email.17:37
obdii_hey man, just reading your email. im about to change that, working directly on the pi17:40
obdii_i have two with the software loaded, both pi2 and pi317:41
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obdii_so i just have to change the line 7 "master" to "pi2"?17:43
jlrmagnusW8. Let me check the branch to use17:51
jlrmagnusThe branch should be "pi" not "pi2"17:52
jlrmagnusI have never tried this on the pi3.17:52
* rjek waves from rainy Manchester. 17:53
obdii_thanks i just tried pi2 without checking first lol, let me see how it goes with pi17:55
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obdii_now, i forgot to install autoconf lol18:03
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obdii_still got an error19:06
obdii_send you the screenshot to your email19:09
obdii_here is the pastebin19:12
obdii_any ideas?19:23
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