IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2016-01-05

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waltminerkooltux - I am trying to figure out the differences between the two versions because what I downloaded from your server looks like what I uploaded07:13
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waltminerretry it now. Used a different file name07:20
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CTtpollardis there a genivi BIT call tomorrow?12:46
pedroalvarezI'm currently looking at the next GENIVI baseline release, but looks like there isn't one planned :S12:48
pedroalvarezanyone knows anything?12:48
* CTtpollard manages to get touch work on gdp back panel12:49
CTtpollardand the media player12:54
paulsherwoodthat's a w00t? :)13:01
paulsherwoodiiuc the next bit meeting is next week... because CES is this week13:02
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CTtpollardI thought so paulsherwood just wanted to check13:28
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*** rZr is now known as RzR15:08
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CTtpollardhi jlrmagnus17:21
jlrmagnusHello CTtpollard17:22
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* paulsherwood waves... from nowhere near las vegas :)17:38
jlrmagnusOhh. How is CES?17:40
jlrmagnusOh wait. Nowhere near Las Vegas. Missed the negation there.17:40
paulsherwoodi have no clue... i'm safely in manchester :)17:40
jlrmagnusI'm in Portland.17:40
paulsherwoodi expect the weather is similar... i hope you had a decent break?17:41
jlrmagnusI spent two weeks at home with a 3 and 6-year old. In other words, it is nice to be back at work.17:50
jlrmagnusHow was your break?17:52
paulsherwoodlots of alcohol and spanish food :)17:54
paulsherwoodand i managed to resist all urges to work, which was decidely odd17:55
pedroalvarezthat's the way forward17:55
pedroalvarez(alcohol and spanish food I mean)17:55
CTtpollardpedroalvarez: you would say that17:55
* CTtpollard flees17:56
jlrmagnusI grew bored after a while and started updating the software management PoC to match the genivi specs.17:56
jlrmagnusThere are only so many 12-piece puzzles you can lay with your daughter before you have to do something else.17:57
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JEEBoh, just noticed that the AGL distro'ish thing had its first release :)21:04
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