IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2015-09-25

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jeremiahCTtpollard: No, I didn't. I think I abandoned it in the expectation that Gunnar was handling that. Not sure where I got that idea.07:50
jeremiahCTtpollard: What does it involve? Don't we need to start with a bare repo?07:51
jeremiahOr can we finagle this somehow?07:51
CTtpollardjeremiah: the documentation I can see for gitolite says it should be able to be done via ssh07:52
CTtpollardfrom 3.0 and higher07:52
CTtpollardgenivi project is 3.6.3-107:53
CTtpollardssh git@host symbolic-ref <repo> refs/head/$branch07:53
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jeremiahOkay, but my suspicion is that shell access to that host is turned off through other means.07:58
jeremiahBut I will give it a go.07:59
jeremiahMaybe I don't need shell access actually, hmm07:59
CTtpollardso ssh  symbolic-ref genivi-demo-platform refs/head/koelsch07:59
jeremiahFATAL: unknown git/gitolite command: 'symbolic-ref genivi-demo-platform refs/head/koelsch'08:01
CTtpollardI'll look further08:07
CTtpollardgitolite symbolic-ref -h08:09
CTtpollardUsage:    ssh git@host symbolic-ref <repo> <arguments to git-symbolic-ref>08:09
CTtpollardallow 'git symbolic-ref' over a gitolite connection08:09
CTtpollardI would have also suspected it to just say symbolic-ref was unknown08:14
jeremiahI can contact the LF admins to see if that command has been turned off?08:27
CTtpollardjeremiah: I'm just double checking internally if I got the command right first08:27
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CTtpollardjeremiah: looks like the best option, unless gunnar pops on here today08:32
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jeremiahCTtpollard: Okay. I'll hang out for a bit to see if the Gunnar pops.08:55
jeremiahThen ping the LF gang.08:55
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tcounihaafternoon folks12:28
tcouniha'ts quite in this neighbourhood here today12:32
fredcadetefridays are slow12:40
fredcadeteor I am slow on fridays12:40
rjekTime passes more slowly on Fridays, I'm sure12:41
CTtpollardI think I'm both12:41
louaitime passes quickly when debugging egl issues on an embedded device though - I am missing the last three days, give or take12:43
louaion the plus side QtCompositor now works properly on my imx612:43
CTtpollardinteresting email to genivi-projects paulsherwood12:49
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paulsherwoodCTtpollard: are you willing to join the collaboration panel?12:57
CTtpollardI hope to be able to contribute13:01
fredcadetelouai: happy birthday13:02
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louaifredcadete: well thank you :-)13:04
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: is there any details of how the testing of images will be handled, i.e the deployments to boards and the reporting?13:08
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paulsherwoodCTtpollard: in the Baserock CIAT?13:29
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: yup13:29
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paulsherwoodiirc the plan was LAVA and/or qca boardfarm ( not sure how far it's got so far though13:31
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ulf`Good morning14:12
jeremiahBut here in CET its nearly COB. :-)14:13
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jeremiahHello Mr. Counihan!14:14
ulf`tcouniha: Are you going to attend LinuxCon EU in Dublin? :)14:19
paulsherwoodi believe he is. i'm hoping he'll buy beer14:28
paulsherwood(and keep me out of trouble with the dublin nightlife)14:28
jbocklag1Hey Tom!14:28
ulf`paulsherwood: heh14:33
ulf`paulsherwood: let's have a beer ;)14:33
* ulf` will be serving beer for one 14:33
ulf`paulsherwood: +114:42
jlrmagnusSooo. I have a n00b question.14:48
jlrmagnusI've installed eclipse and the Franca add-ons, and loaded one of the example projects into the workspace.14:48
jlrmagnusHow do you go about to actually  generate, let's say, a DBUS introspective from a FIDL file?14:49
tcounihaulf - I'm on the fence at the moment14:53
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tcounihajbocklag - long time since those heady days of MO WG14:54
tcounihapaulsherwood: I'm more likely to be in front of  you on the trouble stakes considering its my old hunting ground14:56
tcounihajeremiah: hello Mr J.14:57
ulf`tcouniha: Would be nice to see you :)14:58
tcounihaulf: +114:58
ulf`tcouniha: And you have no excuse given that it's your home truf14:58
fredcadetejlrmagnus: do you want just a DBus introspection or do you ultimately want commonapi?14:58
fredcadetebecause for commonapi you need also the commonapi plugins for eclipse14:59
tcounihathose that are on the isle here know that saying to a Kerryman that dublin is the home turf know that's just pure wrong.14:59
tcounihaespecially after last weekend14:59
tcounihawith a springling of this:
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jlrmagnusfredcadete, CommonAPI is later.15:06
jlrmagnusFor now I just want to spit out an introspective that I can import to Python and other environments.15:06
jbocklag1tcouniha - oh yeah! Greetings from Oli, too :)15:10
fredcadetejlrmagnus: I have some notes of when I tried that, but not enough detail to say what I did exactly15:12
fredcadeteI was able to create an introspection file but with the following issues: Int8 not supported in DBus; String enums not supported in dbus; Union inheritance not supported in dbus15:13
jlrmagnusThat's pretty severe limitations.15:13
fredcadeteand I probably installed dbus-emf-model as described here:
jlrmagnusI've installed that.15:14
fredcadetethis was around may, you can hope that the situation has improved15:14
fredcadetegood luck15:15
fredcadeteand please share results :)15:15
jlrmagnusWill do.15:15
jlrmagnusA small, small part of me is itching to create command line tools to convert Franca IDL to various targets.15:15
jlrmagnusI love the concept of FSM and contracts, but the Eclipse integration is a bit monolithic for me.15:16
fredcadeteif you do that with a sane environment I will buy you a beer15:16
fredcadeteby mail if I have to15:16
jlrmagnusMy schedule, however, is the limiting factor here.15:17
fredcadetedo a time machine first, then15:17
jlrmagnusI shall go to the workshop immediately and convert one of our Land Rovers to a time machine.15:18
fredcadetenooooo, you need a delorean for that15:18
jlrmagnusLoading GDP and a small time traveling app into the head unit should do it.15:18
jlrmagnusExtra feature to "Kung Fury", with complete instructions.15:19
jlrmagnusSo, from a Genivi point of view, is it acceptable to write a FIDL spec and then manually implement it in a target without going the Eclipse code generation route?15:21
jlrmagnusSeems like for a PoC it's ok.15:29
jlrmagnusSo I'll do the software loading manager in Python, manually implementing the fidl spec.15:30
jlrmagnusOnce we upgrade to Specific Component we can rewrite it in C++ using CommonAPI.15:30
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