IRC logs for #baserock for Thursday, 2018-06-21

*** gtristan has quit IRC00:09
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*** toscalix has joined #baserock06:06
*** toscalix has quit IRC07:57
*** jonathanmaw has joined #baserock08:58
*** rdale has joined #baserock09:18
*** noisecell has quit IRC10:01
*** noisecell has joined #baserock10:16
*** noisecell has quit IRC10:24
*** noisecell has joined #baserock10:30
noisecellrdale, if you want to see an example of how Sam/Tristan create the bootstrap element you can look into and check for "Bootstrap sysroots" in that page. It describes also how to bootstrap for different architectures, but Im not sure if we have test it for different architectures than x86_64 given that in I can only see an artifact for x86_6410:35
noisecellThis is connected in defitinions with where you can see there are different stages for some components, being the seed element mentioned in the README10:35
*** noisecell has quit IRC11:46
*** noisecell has joined #baserock12:01
*** gtristan has joined #baserock15:05
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*** jonathanmaw has quit IRC17:19
*** gtristan has quit IRC17:31
*** gtristan has joined #baserock18:48
*** gtristan has quit IRC20:17
*** gtristan has joined #baserock21:08

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