IRC logs for #baserock for Monday, 2017-07-17

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gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/gzip-to-core->master: Move gzip to core) #46 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: issue #10 ("Move gzip to core") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/gzip-to-core->master: Move gzip to core) #46 changed state ("merged"):
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ssam2jjardon[m], i think that mine and your BuildStream builds are not sharing artifacts12:52
ssam2because you still have 'name: gnu-toolchain' in your project.conf12:53
ssam2that comes from the gnu-toolchain branch of the buildstream-tests repo, but in my branch I changed it to 'name: baserock'12:53
ssam2project name is used in the artifact names, so we end up with this ...
ssam2my artifacts are in baserock/ and yours are in gnu-toolchain/12:53
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jjardonok, should we update the gnu-toolchain branch then?13:13
jjardonor should I use your branch instead? the docs from bst2defs should be upgraded then13:34
jjardonssam2: ^13:34
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ssam2i think you should modify it after merging13:49
ssam2we could modify the buildstream-tests repo I guess, but it's not really 'baserock;13:50
ssam2in my eyes we're importing a project called gnu-toolchain into a larger project called baserock13:50
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