IRC logs for #baserock for Wednesday, 2017-07-12

gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: issue #12 ("Create docker image with all the dependencies") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
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ironfoot is down08:54
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ssam2and thus wiki.baserock.org09:33
ssam2hooray, gcc 7 branch merged09:50
ironfootssam2: thanks for that10:03
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jjardonssam2: congrats10:10
benbrown_ssam2: Indeed, grats :Þ10:11
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
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paulsher1oodironfoot:/win 1610:30
paulsher1oodbah, sorry10:30
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (sam/webkit-warnings->master: WebKit: build with expansion-to-defined warning disabled) #44 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (sam/webkit-warnings->master: WebKit: build with expansion-to-defined warning disabled) #44 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
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ironfootso, when are we moving to BST, are we tracking what's left? should we?14:06
ssam2my current project involves building up-to-date Baserock systems using BuildStream for various platforms14:07
ssam2ideally this will be possible from master of definitions.git before the project ends (although i know better than to commit to anything on a project that people who are not on the project have a say in :-)14:08
ssam2obviously GUADEC will soon pause my efforts til early August14:08
ssam2conversions Baserock -> BuildStream are already working with some manual hacks, jjardon is looking at automating this from CI14:09
paulsher1oodironfoot: is there any way we can run bst + ybd in parallel for a while, and compare outputs?14:09
ssam2an ostree artifact cache is needed which I hope to look at today14:09
ssam2that's about it really14:09
ssam2paulsher1ood, sure, i imagine the BuildStream conversion will live in a separate branch for a while14:10
paulsher1oodin an ideal world we'd have reproducible definitions... and could confirm that both tools produce the same output :)14:10
ironfootpaulsher1ood: yes, there is a way. We will have to duplicate some patches sometimes (when patching build-essentials)14:10
gtristanright, the parts which are not automatically converted include the base bootstrap, and also the deployments14:11
gtristanwe also dont support deployments in same ways that baserock has them (there is currently no btrfs deployment, and deployments dont exit the pipeline; they only produce things you can then send places in other ways)14:12
gtristanwe could make a btrfs deployment, but the meaning is a bit different anyway; I think the goal is to use ostree-as-host for baserock anyway (has been for a while, since before the BuildStream project)14:13
ironfootso my question was more like to figure out what features not implemented yet we need14:13
ssam2i've been using it for weeks, and all I miss is artifact caching14:14
ssam2ybd doesn't really have any features, after all :-)14:15
gtristanyeah I was answering more along the lines of building both in parallel and having the same results :)14:15
ironfoottrove, if we are going to keep dog fooding, will need to be upgraded from time to time, so I'd need an upgrade mechanism in place14:16
ironfoot(we might want to move it to debian though)14:16
jjardonpaulsher1ood: that's exactly what I'm trying in my branch14:16
jjardonSo we can compare timings as well14:16
gtristanironfoot, right; so to be honest, I wouldnt dog-food it until the definitions are ostree-as-host compliant14:17
gtristanironfoot, as we could then perform atomic but roll-backable upgrades with ostree14:17
gtristanbut for the time being you can just create images; which is not a nice way to upgrade14:17
ssam2I like ostree-ashost, but I think it's beyond what I can achieve in my current project14:18
gtristanironfoot, that said; I'm sure that  A.) Doing `bst checkout` of a build system and then  B.) using a script to update a mounted btrfs volume ala baserock... would probably work fine too14:19
gtristanssam2, agreed; there has been a lot of work done towards that (e.g. /usr merge) but there are plenty of small details that need hunting down14:19
ironfootI somehow think that it would be a good idea to host it in debian now that it comes with gitano packages14:21
ssam2makes sense to me14:22
ssam2unless someone is working on security updates in baserock reference systems an infra as their *primary* activity, it's not really safe to be using it for production systems14:22
ssam2*and infra14:22
gtristanironfoot, so here's an idea... which might take *some* work but; would be an interesting compromise for dogfooding14:23
gtristanironfoot, jonathanmaw has been working on dpkg related elements, what we could have is an import of the target base system that is intended to run trove; and use BuildStream to build the sources and debian packages *on that base* to deploy that on top of the running debian systems where trove runs14:24
ssam2i don't think we need that though if Gitano is packaged normally for Debian14:24
ssam2that's the only "non-standard" part of Trove, other than morph-cache-server/kbas which we also wouldn't need any more14:25
ironfoot+lorry and friends14:26
ssam2oh, yes14:26
gtristanlorry is the cool thing14:26
ssam2lorry and lorry-controller14:26
gtristanI keep forgetting that when people say "trove", they are not talking about lorry14:26
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ssam2ironfoot, is gone now ?15:14
ssam2machine seems to be off15:14
paulsher1oodssam2: ybd uses
ssam2ah right15:15
paulsher1oodan arm server, no less15:15
ssam2nothing is populating since the mason systems are also off15:15
ssam2thus I may as well remove its 300GB volume15:15
paulsher1oodc.b.o has run nonstop for over a year... served nearly 600k artifacts :-)15:16
ssam2artifacts1 you mean ?15:16
paulsher1oodyup, sorry15:16
ssam2c.b.o is definitely stopped :-)15:16
* gtristan happens to use an arm server for the artifact cache too, seems to be in style15:16
paulsher1oodgtristan: is there any visible status/search page for bst artifact cache?15:17
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ssam2no, we'd need to write that15:17
ironfootssam2: yeah, there was an email about that. cache.b.o was morph only, which cannot build definitions anymore15:17
paulsher1oodssam2: please crib from kbas :)15:17
paulsher1ood(or not...)15:18
ssam2ironfoot, ok cool. shall I delete the volumes for c.b.o and the masons ?15:19
ssam2in practice all the stuff they hold will be useless now15:19
paulsher1oodssam2: also ability to click on a link to download given artifact...15:19
ssam2and i imagine we're paying for them15:19
ssam2that all sounds useful, but it's going to have to quite low priority for me15:20
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gtristanpaulsher1ood, like showing what artifact is available ?15:20
gtristanthere is a way15:20
ironfootssam2: yeah, I left them there just in case, go ahead!15:20
gtristani.e. you *could* go crawl:
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gtristanthe existence of
gtristanmeans gnome/apps-glade/3f1263f73b6726bd51d9cb0ebf03f5f5f58c8e0061f12a2bf33ff47ff286b743 is cached15:21
gtristannot really a search page though, of course15:21
ssam2yeah, I think a little webapp would be nice15:22
ssam2but it's a week or so's work probably15:22
gtristannext week juergbi will look into the summary updates, which means you could at least pull a summary and ls what refs are there, without trying to pull every artifact on the server15:24
gtristannot sure how feasible concurrent summary updates is, should be handled by ostree but, need to check15:24
juergbiyes, let's hope we can properly handle this with concurrent updates15:25
gtristanwill *anyway* be good for buildstream itself; but also have the side effect of being able to easily know what is there15:25
gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (jjardon/bst->master: WIP: Migrate to bst: Create job to migrate current definitions and build in parallel with ybd builds) #43 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (jonathan/rpm-export-version-release-package->master: rpm: Write version and release on a per-package basis) #347 changed state ("opened"):
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ssam2sorry, i broke all the infra for a second there but it should all be back now18:15
ssam2please let me know if any issues18:15
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ssam2just need to configure it18:21
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gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (jonathan/rpm-export-version-release-package->master: rpm: Write version and release on a per-package basis) #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (jonathan/rpm-export-version-release-package->master: rpm: Write version and release on a per-package basis) #347 changed state ("merged"):
ssam2 exists... tomorrow I will figure out how to push stuff to it19:22
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gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (lc/get_transport_info->master: Add get_transport_info helper method for normalizing repo urls, names and landing directory.) #274 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (lc/get_transport_info->master: Add get_transport_info helper method for normalizing repo urls, names and landing directory.) #274 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (lc/get_transport_info->master: Add get_transport_info helper method for normalizing repo urls, names and landing directory.) #274 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: merge request (sam/cleanup->master: Clean up some unused infrastructure definitions) #4 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: merge request (sam/ostree->master: Add initial definitions) #5 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (lc/eafp->master: Add docstring for get_repo_url, use EAFP) #273 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botybd: merge request (lc/eafp->master: Add docstring for get_repo_url, use EAFP) #273 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botdefinitions: merge request (sam/webkit-warnings->master: WebKit: build with expansion-to-defined warning disabled) #44 changed state ("merged"):
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