IRC logs for #baserock for Monday, 2017-05-22

gitlab-br-botpush on infrastructure@master (by Pedro Alvarez Piedehierro): 2 commits (last: baserock_bots: configure Gitlab bot for Baserock too)
gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: merge request (pedro/gitlab-bot-multichannel->master: baserock_bots: configure Gitlab bot for Baserock too) #2 changed state ("merged"):
gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: Pedro Alvarez Piedehierro deleted branch pedro/gitlab-bot-multichannel00:02
gitlab-br-botpush on definitions@jjardon/bst2 (by Javier Jardón): 1 commit (last: Add debug)
gitlab-br-botpush on definitions@jjardon/bst2 (by Javier Jardón): 1 commit (last: Set cache folder)
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* jjardon updates
jjardonironfoot: can you change the bot ot not show every push? I think notification for MR and issues is enough09:29
gtristanjjardon, I think we can case it to only mention commits on master, for instance09:30
gtristanwhether they are MRs or whatever09:30
ironfootgtristan: I think I agree with jjardon, only MR and issues.09:30
ironfootI thinik than filtering pushes to master is going to be tricky09:30
gtristanwhat is the difference ?09:30
gtristandifficult really ? ok I thought the bot already made the string09:31
gtristanfrom project@branch09:31
* ironfoot -> meeting09:31
gtristananyway note that the commit notifications are only once per push/merge (not one per commit in a pushed branch)09:32
gtristanso I think it's equivalent, in the case that you only accept pushes to master through MRs09:33
gtristanironfoot, anyway btw, I will modify the bot to support that, cause I want the same functionality for the gitlab-bst bot09:44
ironfootgtristan: note, I've been hacking over the weekend on this bot, and have already done some modifications, so that it supports different networks/projects/channels09:53
gtristanironfoot, is there a git repo ?09:54
ironfootI suggested only getting MR notifications given that:09:55
ironfoot- every push goes through MR09:55
ironfoot- when MR is merged it will trigger also a push event09:55
ironfoot- when MR is merged it will trigger a push to delete branch09:55
gtristanYeah I get that, but "every push goes through MR" is the key thing why it works for baserock09:56
gtristanso for buildstream I would prefer just notifying everything that lands on [branch, list]09:57
ironfootgtristan: so, here is the current config for the bot:
gtristanyup, I can see the changes you made :)09:59
ironfooti'm *not* proud, took me a while to understand the difficulty of the problem10:00
ironfooti had fun, though :)10:00
SotKhuh, is private?10:02
ironfooteeerm.. it shouldnt :/10:03
SotKI get "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."10:04
ironfootjjardon: ^^ still set to internal10:04
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jjardonironfoot: sorry, forgot to click the "save" button15:16
jjardonSotK: try again please15:16
SotKI can see it now :)15:17
jjardonpaulsher1ood: would a ybd patch like this accepted upstream: ?15:17
SotKthanks jjardon15:17
ironfootI believe that gitlab project configuration can be managed from Ansible, that might help us a lot to have all configured15:18
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paulsherwoodjjardon: yes, i don't see why not15:35
jjardonironfoot: I looked around and seems its not possible to set you as owner; if you find out let me know15:39
jjardonironfoot: that would be really cool15:40
* jjardon creates
* paulsherwood approves it15:46
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gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: merge request (pedro/no-push-notifications->master: Pedro/no push notifications) #3 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botinfrastructure: merge request (pedro/no-push-notifications->master: Pedro/no push notifications) #3 changed state ("merged"):
ironfootpush notifications removed18:32
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